How to Improve Your Motorhome Security

A motorhome or campervan is a significant investment and it makes sense to protect your investment as much as possible. Unfortunately, no motorhome is theft-proof, no matter how many systems you put in place. But that doesn’t mean you can be complacent. Thieves target motorhomes because they are valuable and because they often have valuable items inside.

Look at these simple tips for enhancing the security of your motorhome so you can enjoy trouble-free motoring and holidaying for longer.

Get the Basics Right

Don’t overlook the basics when you are using your motorhome. Remember simple precautions like closing and locking all the windows and locking the doors when you leave the motorhome. Don’t leave any valuables on display through the windows. And try not to leave your vehicle unattended for long periods of time, particularly at night.

Invest in Motorhome Security Features

There are many systems and accessories available for enhancing your vehicle’s security. These include wheel clamps. A wheel clamp is highly effective for immobilising the motorhome so it cannot be driven away. Look for a high-quality wheel clamp that is near to impossible to remove.

Consider steering wheel locks. These act as a visual deterrent as well as a physical barrier to removing your van from its parking place. These come as bar locks or circular locks. You could even use a chain with a padlock. Also, you can find gear locks. These secure the gear stick to the vehicle’s handbrake.

An immobiliser is effective at preventing theft once an intruder has accessed your vehicle. Immobilisers are an effective and simple way to protect your investment.

Install an Alarm

An alarm helps alert others to potentially illegal activity surrounding your motorhome. Although alarms are not typically used on cars nowadays, they may still be effective on larger, more valuable vehicles, particularly when they are parked in communal areas like a campsite. Stickers showing the vehicle is alarmed also act as deterrents.

Pick a Tracking Device

You can find many different tracking devices to enable you or the police to track your vehicle should it be stolen. Invest in a device with quality assurances, where the signal is delivered to a control centre. This should enable the vehicle to be returned to you, which is an advantage when you have invested not just money but a lot of love into the motorhome.

Upgrade Your Insurance

Get the best cover you can. If the worst happens, you know you will be reimbursed. Insurance also assists with accidental damage as well as the mandatory insurance provisions you need when driving a vehicle on the road. Make sure that insurance covers the value of your personal effects and check what is included. When you fit high-quality security devices you can typically gain a discount on your premiums.

Winter-Proof Your Motorhome

Before setting your motorhome aside for the winter, remove all items of value. You can also take this opportunity to take out textiles and sot furnishings, which can attract mould, and clean the fridge and freezer. Make sure your vehicle is parked as securely as possible. Indoors is always best, but you can purchase full covers for motorhomes for outdoor storage, which can discourage thieves as well as help protect the vehicle from the elements.

Choose a Quality Model

Get enhanced security features by choosing a high-quality make or model of motorhome. For example, Hymer motorhomes Scotland come with security systems as standard and are designed to make driving safer and more comfortable.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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