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How to Increase Your Sales Performance

Working in sales requires talent. Not everyone can pitch every sale and those that have a real knack for it are extremely rare. A common mistake that sales people make is the lack of patience. Once they smell a tiny whiff of an approaching potential done deal, they try and close it down immediately, as if they were out hunting. In reality, sales pitching comes to a mix of talent and skills obtained from experience and coaching. Here are some advice for the newcomers and those looking to improve themselves as retailers.


  1. Come up with your steps within a sales process

    A customer doesn’t need to understand you as a sales person. However, putting yourself in your customer’s shoes can make for a world of difference. Think about it – surely you’ve been at the other end of the rope. There’s your advantage. Work to understand what the customer wants to hear. Define your steps clearly both to your team and you yourself.

  2. Dramatize

    Even though this might seem like you’re trying to trick somebody into buying something they don’t need, this isn’t the case. The customer is the one that has come to your store, they made the decision – you are just doing your job of pitching a product. Always use an optimistic approach, but empathy is the key here. Agree with potential buyers. Think about your ads, web pages and your company’s slogan. Do not approach them in a monotonous voice, but use intonation (don’t overdo it, though – no one likes an annoying salesperson).

  3. Business Coaching

    Make sure that you’ve provided coaching both for your team and yourself early in the process. A type of human resource development, it provides support, feedback and advice, usually to a group in order to work on effectiveness. Coaching training can help improve professional communication, performance management, organizational effectiveness and much more. This type of business training has become so popular because everyone wants a mentor – it’s simply a relief to have somebody guiding you in this hectic world. Successful business coaches, like Bryan Franklin can help you learn a lot of basic and specific things and are overflowing with advice to address your concerns.

  4. Find your weaknesses

    Dedicate some time towards self-observation. This way, you’ll learn all about your weaknesses, so that you can start working on improving them. Overcoming your weak spots will leave you with nothing to fix and everything to further improve. Do not compensate by excelling at something, but instead strive towards excelling at everything – in business, this is quite doable.

Follow these guidelines in order to make sure you become the best at what you do. These basic, yet crucial tips can help you a great deal, but only if you set your entire mind to them. Whatever the case, progress requires dedication, everyone knows this. If you really like the sales job, this will pose no problem for you. Set your goals, empathize with your customers, work on your weaknesses, but only after you’ve gone through some quality coaching and you’ll be good to go!


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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