How to Prepare Your House for Any Natural Element Threats in all Four Seasons

Getting ready for a four-season climate requires organizational skills and a yearly calendar. Rotating household items is a necessity unless you have space for everything. One of the best ways to prepare your home for the elements is to keep up with the preventative maintenance schedule. We have some seasonal tips to help you through each weather change below.

Spring Is the Time to Clean and Inspect Your Home inside and out

When you clean the cobwebs out of the corners, steam clean the carpets, and tackle the fingerprints on the door facings, then you will want to plan time to do the same on the outside of your house. Getting rid of leaves in the gutters, cleaning the shingles on the roof, and removing debris away from the home is all top priority this season.

Getting everything clean helps you spot damage like cracks in the roof, tree roots too close to your foundation, and clogs in the chimney. Spring sets the schedule for the rest of the year. A clean slate lets you see what you need to fix or update so that you can plan your time instead of rushing from one emergency to the next.

Summertime Repairs Are Often Easier Because the Weather Is the Best

These three months are the most popular time for fixing the problems you find in the spring. When you have small damage that does not require an immediate fix, you can plan these repairs for the summer when everyone wants to be outside. Be sure to check your sprinkler system, inspect your swimming pool, and clean debris from in and around your a/c unit. By staying on top of repairs, you keep your home cool and running inefficient condition limiting summer cooling costs. Remember to check dryer vents, stock up wood supplies, stay on top of pest issues, and clean and tighten ceiling fans.

Fall Planning Ensures That Your Cold Weather Months Are Comfortable

This time of the year is best for sealing up your home and getting inspections on your furnace, plumbing, gas lines, and other home systems. You will want to check your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors too. Inspect fire extinguishers to see if they need replacing in autumn.

If you have only one heat source, then you may want to consider adding a second one like an electric or kerosene heater. A wood stove or fireplace can add warmth and be a way to cook if the power goes out. Having a generator is helpful if you use electric heat sources. Caulking the windows and adding plastic to any drafty areas is important at this time of year.


When the weather is cooperating, you will want to stock up on supplies like items for your first aid kit or emergency survival items. For instance, a natural disaster kit should have plenty of water for each person, warm clothes and blankets, a food source, medical supplies, and a way to start a fire. You will need other things like waterproof bags, tools, and medicines too.

When the snow is flying, you can use the time to perform a quick furnace check and filter change. When you do this each month, you ensure that your furnace stays efficient and keeps you warm. The regular filter changes will get rid of excess dust and allergens too. Do not forget to watch for ice dams when you live where there is a lot of snow and ice each winter.

When you live in an ever-changing climate, it is important to prep for the upcoming season. Storage totes are fantastic for rotating decorations, supplies, and sporting gear. The key is to plan for the next three to six months each season. Once you get a routine, you will see how easy it is to thrive no matter what mother nature throws at you, and your home will be comfortable all year long.

Meghan Belnap

I'm a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. I love being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise.

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