How to Still Achieve Your Dream Home Design When Working With a Small Property

Building the home of your dreams from the ground up is the project of a lifetime. Just because your property is small does not mean you can’t have everything you want in your home while staying within your financial limits. These four tips will help you make the most of the small space you have and give you fantastic results that you can enjoy in the years to come.

Set a Realistic Budget

A solid budget is just as important as the foundation of your house. A realistic budget can make the difference between a home you enjoy and one you really love. While you may think you have the knowledge and skills to set your own budget, there will always be items you would never think of that puff up the final cost well beyond what you intended to pay. Sketch an initial budget based on your own knowledge and expertise, but be sure to work with your contractor to put a firm, workable budget in place. They will be aware of hidden costs and know when to spend money and when to save.

Look to Others for Inspiration

You may have been dreaming your whole life about the elements you would include in a home you built yourself, but there is nothing like looking to others who have come before you for inspiration. You may discover an amazing feature you never would have thought of and you find you can’t live without. You don’t want to be in the position of kicking yourself years down the road because you only realized after your home was built that you really wanted a mudroom. If you are worried you don’t have the space or financial needs for all the add-ons you want, talk to your builder to figure out your options. There are always less expensive and smaller alternatives for home details. 

Hire Professionals

There is a lot to be said for DIY, but there are some things that need a professional eye. Building a house from scratch gets into complicated legal areas, especially on a property where there is less room. You need a professional construction company that knows building codes, zoning laws and environmental restrictions. This expertise could end up saving you thousands in the long run.

Have a Solid Plan in Place

Before construction begins, you should have your home planned down to the last tile. While it isn’t realistic to expect you won’t have to make changes during construction based on unforeseen problems, you can minimize these difficulties by having every detail nailed down in advance. Keep communication with your builder, contractor, and designer open. You should always know where they are in the process and make sure things are going as planned. 

Even though it may feel like a long time before you are settled into your dream home, your small property will soon be transformed into your new living space. You don’t need to sacrifice all of your hopes and dreams in the process either. Following these tips will save you many headaches and make the building process much smoother.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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