How to Throw a Fun Basketball Watch Party for Your Friends

Sports fans will always have a good time watching a game on television, but the entire experience is made even more special when watching with a group of friends. An ordinary basketball game gets transformed into a night you will not forget for a long time. Throwing the perfect watch party takes a lot more effort than just inviting a few people over. These are the four things you must do in order to throw the perfect basketball watch party for your friends.

Have Multiple Screens

There is nothing special about watching a game on a TV in the living room. Make your watch party stand out by connecting multiple television screens up in the same room. This will allow you to watch multiple games at the same time. If one game starts to become a blowout, then you can always start to focus your attention on a different game. You can also watch the same game on different channels so you can listen to different commentary. You will be able to recreate the sports bar experience without having to worry about paying for overpriced food and drinks.

Offer Lots of Food and Drinks

If you are going to invite friends over to the house to watch basketball, then you need to provide some food and refreshments. You should know what your friends like to eat when watching the game. There should be enough food to ensure no one goes home hungry. You also do not want to run out of beer during the game, so make sure the refrigerator is fully stocked. You may even want to think about getting a keg if you plan on having a lot of friends over. Take a trip to the grocery store and stock up on a variety of chips, dips, and other snacks. These are the classic game foods that your friends will be expecting. 

Wager on the Games

There is no better way to take the sports watching experience to the next level than by betting some money on the game. Turn the entire thing into a competition. Have everyone make several bets on the upcoming games and see who is the most knowledgeable basketball fan. You can get a leg up on the competition by using free NBA picks from betting experts. Make sure you let everyone know beforehand that you will be betting on the games. This will give everyone time to prepare. 

Only Invite Diehard Fans

While you may have a large friend group, you should only invite the diehard basketball fans to the watch party. Nothing brings down a night of watching games than having to explain the action to someone that does not understand the sport. If any of your other friends feel a little left out, then you can always do something special with them at another time. Sports watch parties should only involve actual fans.

If you want the next big game to be a special occasion, consider some of the above ideas and invite some friends over for a fun time.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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