Important tips of Overcleaning Your Carpet

Overcleaning a carpet is actually quite possible since just like every other fabric, carpets can only take so much moisture in them. Similar to plants – overwatering is sometimes worse than not watering them enough since you can almost always recover from draught but not from too much water. The same goes for carpets too much moisture in the fibres will cause mould and mildew which are devilishly hard to get rid of so the easiest way to go is just to prevent everything from happening in the first place.

Deep clean your carpets a maximum of 2 times per year and that is only if it’s in a very high-traffic area. We’re talking about professional carpet cleaning, of course, the so-called steam cleaning or hot water extraction. Since the method uses very strong chemicals to get rid of the dirt, doing it too often will wear the carpet down making it more susceptible to grime and dirt build-up. Be really careful during the drying process. Do it in the summer so that you can open up all the windows, doors, and have proper air ventilation that will not allow the carpets to stay wet and develop problems. Regularly vacuum your carpeting so that dirt doesn’t build up that easily and you don’t have to resort to professional carpet cleaning more than it’s recommended.

If you are not careful, a lot of problems might appear such as overwetting which often leads to getting mildew and mould underneath your carpet. It’s a really tricky situation because you can barely notice it on time and once you do, it’s probably too late. There are some signs that will help you out so if you have any doubts, look out for the following:

  1. Damp carpet – Quite obvious, we know, but a very important sign. If you’ve professionally cleaned your carpet and after 6-7 hours it’s still not entirely dry, then you might have a problem. Open as many windows as possible, turn on the AC or fans and hope for the best. However, if you notice any dampness just out of the blue, then you might have a more serious problem. Those areas are usually situated in the corners of the carpet, close to doors.
  2. Discolouration of the carpet – You will notice your carpet gradually turning grey and green in some spots. Pay close attention to the underneath of your carpet since all of those processes usually start from there, and the fibres above are the last to show any symptoms.
  3. Musty smell – This one is really hard to miss. It’s a very specific smell and it will help you identify the problem rather early since you will be able to sense it even if you don’t see any visible signs. Still, if you spend a lot of time at home, you might not be able to notice anything, so pay attention to what your visitors are saying.
  4. Allergies – In case you do have mould and mildew and you don’t want to throw away your carpet, here some techniques you can try and save it. Start by vacuuming it carefully, with a carpet attachment. Make a mixture of one part white vinegar and two parts lukewarm water, spray the affected area and leave it overnight. The acidic nature of the vinegar is great when dealing with mould. The morning after, sprinkle some baking soda and leave it for a few minutes – 10-15. After that vacuum everything.

If it doesn’t work we recommend that you don’t try anything else so that you don’t damage the carpet by accident. Contact your manufacturer or a professional carpet cleaning company for advice and they might help you.

It’s important to mention that you can easily over clean other things in your house, not just your carpets, and it’s very important to know when to stop. Here are some examples of things you might be cleaning too often:

  • Fabric sofas – Similar to carpets, the fabric of your sofas can be easily damaged if they are washed too often.
  • Your sheets – Once every two weeks is more than enough, you don’t need to put them in the washer every weekend. Otherwise, the material will simply break down and you’ll have to throw them away.
  • Kitchen and bath towels – Same as the sheets, it’s very easy to throw them in the washer since they do tend to get visibly dirty a lot faster. However, unless there are some stains from food or something else that indicates the presence of harmful bacteria, just leave it alone for a bit more. It probably still has some life in it.
  • Wood countertops – With them, it’s very important the type of cleaner you’re using. If it’s too abrasive and you clean up after each use, you might damage the protective layer of the countertop and the wood itself, as well. Make sure you are using the right detergents and when you do your daily wipe up – use only mild dish soap and warm water.


Olive Smith

Olive Smith is a professional blogger who loves to write on numerous topics.

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