Keeping Your House Clean When You’re Depressed

Many parents are dealing with depression due to issues such as loss of income, divorce, disputes with other family members, and personal conflicts. Depression often leaves one feeling so sad and fatigued that it becomes easy to let things go. In fact, putting off tasks such as cleaning the house shows loss of interest in basic or once pleasurable activities, a key sign of depression. People with depression are not likely to tackle household duties once the house gets cluttered and filthy. They often end up feeling helpless and hopeless against the mess. Unfortunately, a dirty and disorderly house will in most cases add to these feelings, creating a destructive cycle that fuels itself and reinforces depression.


A clean and tidy house can, therefore, alleviate some of the stressors that can hurt our mental health and help a depressed mind. Here are some ways to get chores done and stay on top of your housework when coping with depression.


Break it Up

Studies show that physical activity benefits our mental health, lowers the risk of psychological issues, and improves memory. Performing 20-minute exercises on a regular basis is known to have a positive impact on anxiety, depression, and ADHD among others. You can turn your household chores into 20-minute exercises by devising a schedule that allows you to clean one or two rooms daily. It will benefit you more than having to clean the entire house at once, which will most likely seem like a daunting task.


Clean as You Go

Sometimes, avoiding clutter is the best way to ensure your home stays clean. Instead of letting your dishes sit in the sink, try to wash them immediately after use. Make sure you store all your tools as soon as you finish using them. Putting things away right after use helps to prevent clutter. Additionally, you might get further ahead if you try to help keep dirt and grime from forming. Brushing your hairy pet at least once a week reduces the amount of fur shed inside the house, cutting down the time and effort needed to vacuum clean.


Don’t Procrastinate

Ignoring or putting off chores is easy when you have depression. However, you need to live in the present, which means fighting such urges. Taking care of your household chores now reduces the amount of time and effort you’ll need to clean up later. Wiping up spills as soon as they occur is far easier than trying to scrub off hardened, dry stains. You’ll also find that using a steam carpet cleaner to remove dust, odors, and stains is not a difficult task once you’ve vacuumed and prepared a room properly. Although depression will probably leave you feeling sad and fatigued, you can get a sense of pride and accomplishment from tackling these little tasks.


Practice Proper Storage

It’s easy to shrug off the need to complete your house chores if you can’t find the required cleaning products. As such, you should store your supplies wisely to ensure you have the necessary cleaning products close at hand. If you have hardwood flooring on the lower level and carpeting on the upper floor, you should keep the vacuum cleaner upstairs to ensure easy access. Don’t mix kitchen and bathroom cleaners, store them separately instead.


Pay Attention to High Traffic Areas

If you’re feeling fatigued, focus your efforts on the most commonly used areas. Consider the kitchen, living room and well-traveled hallways to ensure you spend your energy and time where it might do the most good.


Ask Your Family to Help

Give each family member a specific housekeeping task to complete and let them know that assisting with the housework helps you cope with depression. Remember, your situation might not be bad as it seems. With proper treatment, about 80 percent of those suffering from depression will show some improvement within a few weeks.


When dealing with depression, you should not resign yourself to a dirty and disorderly home. Clean and tidy your house to alleviate some of the stressors that can hurt your mental health.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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