Learning to Cook – Dishes for the Independent Millennial

No matter the level of expertise or time on your hands, cooking is a lot simpler than you’d imagine! From ready to eat eggless buns to quick, easy to make, recipes, here are five fantastic dishes that are ideal for the independent millenials:

Chili cheese toast

Super easy to cook and perfect to match varied taste buds, you can never go wrong with chili cheese toast. To make this delicious dish, create a mix of chili, diced onion and capsicum and spread it on a slice of evenly buttered bread. Grate a generous amount of cheese and place the bread in the grill for about five minutes. Take out the toast when you begin to see cheese bubbles and enjoy a delicious mid-day treat!

Nutella Cinnamon Bread Rolls

You will seldom meet a millennial that doesn’t love Nutella! Create the perfect mix of cinnamon and hazelnut goodness with Nutella cinnamon bread rolls. Mix cinnamon powder and castor sugar on a flat tray and combine milk, sugar and castor sugar in a separate bowl. Flatten bread using a rolling pin and spread an even layer of Nutella on it. Make rolls out of each bread slice and dip them in the milk mixture. Cook evenly in a pan with melted butter until the rolls turn golden. Take the rolls out, coat them using a dry mixture of cinnamon and sugar and enjoy with a selection of fresh fruits!  

Bread pizza

For this yummy treat you simply need to spread a generous amount of tomato pizza sauce (or pasta sauce) on lightly toasted bread and add a topping of onions, capsicum and mozzarella cheese. Put it in the oven for roughly five minutes, until you begin to see the cheese melting. The best part is that you can choose your own toppings and customize the dish as you like. Go for fresh whole grain breads by Modern Foods for a delicious yet healthy treat.

Chicken and Mayo Sandwich

Chicken and mayo is a match made in heaven! The perfect fix for a sudden hunger pang, sandwiches will never become old fashioned. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and cook in a pan with one tablespoon of butter until the colour starts changing. Once cool, finely dice the chicken and add pepper and mayonnaise to create a delicious mixture. Place the mixture in a fridge for half an hour and then add it between two slices of white or brown bread along with fresh lettuce leaves. Voila, your chicken and mayo sandwich is ready!

Bread Pudding

If there’s one thing that binds all millennials – it’s their sweet tooth. Satiate your sugar craving with a delicious bread pudding. Start with preheating the oven to 175 degrees. Slice bread into small squares and place them in a baking tray with raisins. Use another bowl to beat eggs, sugar, milk, cinnamon powder and vanilla extract. Add melted butter to the flat layer of bread and then pour the liquid mixture on top. Push down using a spoon or fork to ensure that the bread soaks the liquid entirely. Bake the mix for 45 minutes and treat yourself to an indulgent dessert, best served with ice cream.

Millennials everywhere are extremely excited by food but they often don’t have the time to try elaborate recipes. These delicious dishes don’t require lengthy tutorials, fancy ingredients or lots of time – making them the perfect match for today’s independent millennial.

Anjali Dixit

Anjali Dixit, a passionate blogger, I enjoy my work and believe there is always a lot to discover in the world of Internet.

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