Major Retailers Digitally Transformed by Following Customers Reviews

When we talk about Digital Transformation, we never forget to mention how seamless online shopping has become. It has not only revolutionized lives but has given customers access to global goods. Similarly, Desertcart too has envisioned this motto of providing the best products and services to our global customers. But today, we are going to enhance your shopping experience with us. If you ask ‘how’ then let’s ask you a question: how do you decide a product before filling your cart?


For most customers, online customer reviews make a big difference in the way they choose their products. This is because, in online shopping, customers are not at liberty to experience their products physically. All they are left with is customer online reviews. However, the impact of online customer reviews on purchase intention is immense. With a single click, buyers can now get a detailed history of their products. Right from providing basic information, to personal experiences, the importance of customer reviews online has grown in abundance.

Even for sellers, the benefits of online customer reviews are crucially important. Therefore, let’s take a comprehensive look at all the key features of customer reviews online shopping sites and how they impact one’s experience of online shopping.

1. They Simply Drive Sales

Major Online Retailers on Desertcart are now relying on customer reviews for driving their sales. This is because human psychology believes in collective judgements to make even a simple choice. Therefore, when buyers see positive reviews for a particular product from other customers, they tend to buy that product without much thought. In fact, it’s all about the proof that they receive from online customer review sites. Interestingly, new buyers are more likely to trust reviews other than marketing strategies. Thus, social proof is a strong force if one wants to improve online customer reviews.

2. Trust

In a sea where there are thousands of different varieties of fish, can you easily decide which fish to choose? No, right? Similarly, in a global e-commerce site like Desertcart, where there are innumerable brands, you cannot really pick up the best one by simply looking at them. For this, online customer reviews are your only options. How a brand performs in delivering products and services is largely formulated by the reviews that it receives from the customers. In this way, new buyers do not have to worry about anything while choosing the best brand. Hence, trust is another important factor that online customer review sites rely on. 

3. Enhances Decision- Making 

For most customers, decision-making is a lot more than a complicated process. Hence, either they randomly select a brand or spend long hours to evaluate the products and scrutinize the reviews. The importance of customer reviews online is that they aid the decision-making process of the customers. As a result, they can get a better understanding of the product. For instance, the displayed photo of the product can be deceptive and one cannot get an in-depth idea about the product. Thus, customer reviews can be of great help when it comes to deciding which product to buy.

4. Zero Problems

This benefit is for Major Online Retailers who are endeavouring to improve their products and services and importantly, the overall quality of their brand. One cannot expect customer reviews to be always positive. Sometimes, if customers are somewhat displeased with a seller’s services, then they might post a negative review and that’s absolutely normal. However, the important takeaway from any such experience would be to try improving those aspects of one’s business, in which they lack expertise. Thus, customer reviews have great potential in shaping a business. 

5. Loyalty

In this age of Digital Transformation, businesses are losing human interaction. The sad part is that there isn’t anything to do in this case. Nevertheless, to gather a large customer base globally, every brand must think about ways to improve online customer reviews. As the saying goes, customers are an integral part of any business, therefore one must allow them to leave their feedback. In this way, although it’s not possible to establish a real-time relationship with them, one can still give them a voice for the brand. 

How Desertcart Gives Utmost Primacy To Customer Reviews

Desertcart believes that in addition to providing an easy and secure transaction process, customer reviews should always be taken into consideration before buying any product. Other than that, we have authentic brands with us who have received some of the best customer online reviews. Our global customers have shown their satisfaction with our services and that is very clearly understandable from these reviews. With global shipping facilities, our e-commerce site lets you worry about nothing. 

  • We always say that customer reviews online shopping sites like ours are pretty easy to publish. Just with a few clicks, you can rate your shopping experience with us. 
  • Doesn’t matter if the language you understand is different. Our executives can help you understand the opinions of our previous customers.
  • Even if you like a product, you don’t have to buy it immediately. Take a look at every review it has received and base your decision on that. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just make sure that you get the best from Desertcart. Check out every detail and see whether the product is suitable for you or not. 

Customer Reviews Expand Knowledge

If you think that the impact of online customer reviews on purchase intention is only limited to spreading brand awareness, then that’s not completely true. Note that the benefits of online customer reviews can make people aware of unknown brands and also improve the sales of those brands. For newly emerging businesses, they work as an impetus. In short, no matter how much we talk about customer reviews, the only way to experience the truth is by experiencing the product yourself. Of course, do not forget to go through the reviews, but importantly, if you want to give your opinion, then make sure that it’s an honest one. Subscribe to Desertcart Blogs for more informative content. 

Akash Dwivedi

Akash Dwivedi is a seasoned Digital Marketing Professional actively working in the field of Online Marketing for a long time. Akash spent the last one and a half decade promoting

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