Military Move: 3 Tips For Feeling At Home Wherever You’re Stationed

The life of a military service member can be incredibly hectic. Frequent moves are something most military families have to be prepared to deal with, and it’s not uncommon to find yourself continually be stationed in different places across the country and potentially even the globe. Often a person finds themselves just finally beginning to settle in when they learn that they’re once again being transferred. This can make it difficult to ever truly feel like you’re at home in any one place. Still, by following these simple tips, you should stand a better chance of settling in quickly and feeling at home wherever you end up stationed.


Bring a Piece of Home with You

One of the biggest keys to feeling more at home in a new place is to surround yourself with familiar things from home. This could be something small like posters or pictures of your family and friends. Still, even better is if you can manage to bring along your bed, favorite couch or recliner and other furniture. In this way, you can work to make your new home as similar to your old home as possible.


Focus on Getting Your House in Order ASAP

Another hugely important factor in settling in quickly is to immediately start working on making your new house into a home. This means getting all of your furniture in place and all of your boxes unpacked as soon as you arrive. Nothing can make you feel more homesick than sitting around in a half-furnished place and having nothing to occupy your time.


When you want to get settled faster, hiring a company like Bekins Van Lines Inc can be a great idea, as it will allow you to bring along everything you need. At the same time, it enables you to focus on immediately getting your house in order by taking the hassle, worry, and heavy lifting out of the move.


Stay Connected

When you find yourself being stationed in a new place, you’re bound to end up missing all of your old friends and family more than ever. Making friends at your new base will obviously help you to better adjust to the new situation. Still, this tends to take some time, which means you’ll probably find yourself feeling lonely at first.


Luckily, technology has made it easier than ever to stay connected and feel close to your family and friends. Staying connected to those you’re closest to via messaging apps and video calling is a great way to cheer yourself up and hopefully prevent you from feeling too lonely or homesick. Even if you can’t see everyone in person, you can still feel far more connected to home by staying in constant contact.


Moving to a new place is never easy, and this is true for both military service personnel and private citizens. However, private citizens at least usually have the luxury of choosing when and where to move to, unlike military members who could be forced to pack up and move at a moment’s notice. When this happens and you find yourself being stationed in a new place, it’s important that you do everything you can to settle in quickly to ensure the move doesn’t have too big of an overall impact on your life.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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