Newly Weds: How to Make Moving into Your New Home Easy and Fun

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Now that you are married and you’re ready to start your new life together. As you prepare to move in together, you’ll have to pack up and relocate. This process can be understandably stressful, but if you implement these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy moving into your new home.

Plan Ahead

It’s always wise to plan ahead because it will help you move forward in peace. The main reason why people tend to feel stressed out that move is that they don’t know what’s going to happen next. There’s a level of fear because of the unknown. You can get rid of that fear by planning. Sure, you can’t predict the future, but you can create a contingency plan. This one step will help you alleviate most of the unnecessary stress.

Be Patient with Each Other

We have already established that moving can be stressful. Between the heavy boxes and going back and forth from point A and point B, gets old fast. Chances are, as the day goes on, the more tired both of you will get from the process. It may even make you irritable. The worst thing you can do is get into a fight and make moving day more difficult than it already is. The best thing you can do is just be patient and help each other out in any way you can.

Schedule Fun Breaks

The newlywed season is one of the sweetest seasons of your marriage. Everything is new and fresh. It’s exciting and you’ll want to spend every waking moment with one another. To break up the humdrum of packing, schedule breaks. While you’re packing everything up, take a lunch break and enjoy a 30-minute show on Netflix together. After you two finish packing one of the major rooms, take a break to go play on the playground. Plan fun ways to still celebrate the newlywed season and get work done at the same time.

Call for Assistance

It can be really challenging and physically laborious to move all of the furniture and personal possessions of two people. Then, you’re merging your lives and bringing everything together. Call on the help of your friends and family members to help you pack up your home. Use the services of moving companies in order to transition. Lifting heavy boxes is a job for the professionals. They understand how to transition everything without stress. It makes the move so much easier when you have help.

Dine Out

During this major process of transition, your kitchen is one of the rooms that you need to pack up. As a result, you won’t have access to your pots, pans and regular utensils. This can get you out of your comfort zone. This is a temporary process, but acknowledge the fact that it can make you feel out of sorts. A great way to manage it all is through dining out. Try different restaurants and turn it into a fun part of the process. Whether you use a food delivery service or go to sit down in a restaurant, enjoy the process of allowing someone else to cook for you.

Moving can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to consume you. Remember to take each day one step at a time. Stay in the present moment and use these tips to your advantage. You’ll be happier in the long run.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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