Rats! How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests Away from Your Home This Winter

For many people, pests are a year-round problem. Some types of pests are worse in the summer, and some are worse in the winter. Most bugs are somewhat active through the year, and rodent problems are usually more prevalent in the colder months. This is because rats and other rodents are more inclined to try to seek warmth and shelter during colder times of the year. The best way to deal with a pest problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some of the best ways to keep pests out of your home this winter.

Keep Your House Clean

Rodents are often attracted to spills and messes. They have good noses and can detect food sources from a long way away. For this reason, it’s important to keep your house tidy and clean up messes quickly. Don’t leave out dirty dishes or uneaten food for excessive amounts of time, and when you throw away trash, make sure the bags are sealed tightly and put in the garbage can. Rats are opportunistic about finding things to eat, so the less food you leave out, the less likely they’ll try to sneak in or around your home to get it.

Fix Holes and Cracks

Rats and other rodents can sneak into homes in smaller spaces than you would imagine. They are good at identifying small weak spots or holes in homes that they can slip into and invade. Insects are even worse. They are able to squeeze in through unbelievably small spaces and they tend to come in large numbers. Before winter comes, considering doing a thorough walk through of the inside and outside of your home, finding any small cracks and holes that pests might like to crawl through. Plaster them up or hire someone to fix them to increase the odds of your home staying pest-free this season.

Maintain Your Yard

Good yard maintenance is a bigger part of pest control than people might think. For example, rats and other rodents are able to climb things like tree branches and vines to invade homes from the upper levels. For this reason, it’s important that you keep tree branches that are near the windows and roof of your home trimmed down during the winter months. The same is true of any plant near the home that has lots of sturdy vines. Additionally, it’s a good idea to get rid of any of the remains of summer plants that may have died, as rats like to feed on this.

Hire a Specialist

For example, people who are looking for pest control in Orange, CA often turn to preventative pest control specialists to stop the problem before it starts. As it was discussed above, it’s much easier to prevent a pest problem than it is to deal with the pests when they already get there. Typically a preventative pest control specialist will come to your home, get a feel for the property, identify potential trouble spots, and figure out if there are any pests already on the property. From there, they create an individualized plan of action for your specific home that get rid of any existing pests and prevent any new ones from coming. Hiring a specialist is usually the best thing to do, because these trained professionals are able to identify what to do and attack pest problems much more efficiently than people can do on their own.

Nobody wants to have to deal with rodents and bugs during the winter. With some simple home improvement and the advice of a specialist, your home can be pest-free all winter.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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