Ready to Remodel? 5 Tips for First-Time Renovators

Whether you’re remodeling the entire house or one room, you’re about to undertake a major project. Navigating through the process can seem overwhelming and confusing. However, following some tips can help you to reduce the negative vibes and, instead, focus on how beautiful the end product will look.

Assessing Materials, Budget and Assistance

Putting together a budget is one of the first steps that you must take. Regardless of how much money you can spend, you need to know what that final number is. Meeting with contractors and pricing out different options can help you to make the affordable decision. Keep in mind that the project is likely to go at least somewhat over the estimates. Make sure you have extra funds set aside to account for unexpected costs; they are almost certain to arise.

Developing a Timeline

Whether you’re creating a timeline for a renovation you’re doing yourself or you’re working with a contractor, having an estimate is imperative, especially when you’ll need to take off from work. As you are leaving extra space in the budget, so should you with the timeline. Unexpected issues can add days, weeks or months onto the project, depending upon how large both the issues and project are.

Making Living Plans

Some renovations are possible to live through. For example, you might be able to stay in your house during a small kitchen remodel if you can purchase some of your meals and eat others at the homes of relatives and friends. On the other hand, a remodel that will take months or occupy the majority of your home may require you to stay with loved ones, book rooms at a hotel or consider a temporary rental. If you plan to stay in your home, consider the needs of children and pets. The amount of dust, for instance, could be unhealthy for them.

Renting a Skip Bin

If you’re having professionals complete the demolition phase, then you should find out if they bring a skip bin with them. If not, you will certainly need to rent one to put the old pieces of your house or room in. The skip bins are helpful in keeping at least some of the mess out of the house. Contact a company like Kingston Skips or someone similar to look into rental rates.

Developing a Schedule

During the remodel, you may be confined to a small portion of your house. Work to develop a schedule. Sitting and looking at the television all day can start to make you anxious, tired and bored after a short period of time. Instead, plan times to tidy up the room that you’re in, work on some projects that you’ve been pushing to the side and get in some exercise.

Renovations can feel particularly cumbersome the first time that you go through the experience. While you probably can’t eliminate all of the stress that comes with one, you can reduce the tension. Follow these tips and work hard, and you’ll find that it’s not nearly as daunting as it seemed. Remember that there’s no shame in deciding you’re in over your head either. A quick google search is all it will take to find you a competent contractor to help you out. Happy renovating!

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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