Recover from Winter Inactivity: 4 Outdoor Activities to Get into This Summer

The sun is finally out and shining bright, the grass is green again and the temperatures are steadily climbing. Summer is finally here and it’s time to crawl off the couch, turn off the Netflix and experience some outdoor activity! Trade in your sweatpants for shorts and flip-flops and try these four summer activities to get back into a more active lifestyle.

Get Back into the Swing, Literally

Whether you are just learning or getting back into the game, golf is the perfect way to get out and enjoy some sunshine with friends or on a solo round. Golf is a great summer activity because it gets you out into “nature,” albeit man-made. Golf gives you the perfect amount of physical activity without putting excess strain on joints or muscles. This is a great outdoor sport to help you ease back into summer activity after a less-than-active winter. As an added bonus, you get to visit the pro-shops to pick out your favorite bright-colored women or men’s golf apparel for your day on the greens.

Join a League

Most cities and towns have some type of intramural or league sports for adults. Joining a league isn’t just a great way to get exercise, it’s the perfect way to make new friends and you can even join with a significant other or a few friends. Simply ask around about leagues or intramural teams or better yet, start one of your own!

Take a Staycation

A “staycation” is an awesome way to get some exercise, explore your surroundings and feel like a tourist in your own city! If you haven’t heard of it, a staycation is basically a vacation that you spend in your immediate area, exploring and experiencing things through the eyes of a visitor. Pack a picnic and go to that local park you drive by every day on the way to work. Do an online search for “hiking trails near me” or “walking trails near me” and try to find a place you’ve never heard of. Take a mini-food tour of your town and grab a small plate in a few different spots you haven’t tried. A staycation is also a great time to unplug and really experience your city, rather than spend the day Instagramming your experience or checking e-mail.

Pick up a Paddle and Go!

Water sports are one of the best ways to dive into the summer season. Water activities are great because they are generally low-impact exercise and really let you get the feeling of being close to nature. There are typically several places where you can rent a canoe or a kayak and paddle down a gentle stream or lake. If you want to try your hand at the latest water sport, find a paddle board and get a standing view of the water.

Summer is the perfect time to start getting active. There are plenty of activities you can do outside to take advantage of the warmth and sunshine. Follow the above 4 suggestions to recover from your sedentary winter and have an active and memorable summer.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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