Repainting Your Home’s Exterior? 4 Tips to Keep Your Lines Straight

Fresh exterior paint can make your residential property look like a million dollars to guests, neighbors, and beyond. If you want your exterior paint to look flawless, however, the key is to make straight lines a top priority. The good news is that there are all sorts of strategies out there that can come in handy for the straight line devotees of the world.

Wash the Exterior

To begin with, wash the exterior of your home or other surface you will be repainting. Wash the entire surface with a light solution of dish soap and warm water. Be sure to scrub off any dirt, mold, or otherwise accrued debris from the area(s) you will be painting. Be thorough and make sure to wash the entirety of the surface before moving on to the next step. Once washed appropriately, be sure to spray off the surface so that there is an even, clean surface to work with. Next, you will remove the old paint from the surface.

Remove Old Paint

This is a crucial step for any home exterior painting project. You absolutely need to remove the old paint before laying down a layer of new stuff for your new look. Use a sander to help you with the task, as the old paint will have bonded with the underlying wood below it. You can also use a putty knife to scrape off particularly flaky or rough spots that have become weathered over the years. For these spots, take the sander to them afterward. A good sanding of the entire surface is a great way to soften the wood so that it will bond correctly with the new paint you will be applying.

Read All about Exterior Painting Techniques

If you want to paint lines that are straight and neat, then you can do yourself a big favor. You can learn all about the art of painting exteriors. There are all sorts of reputable books that can help aspiring painters. There are online resources that can come in handy for people who want to learn about solid painting methods as well. Exterior painting techniques are a great way to set off the design of your home. The outside of your home says to visitors what want out of life. It also shows how you think of your home and what you would truly like it to be.

Recruit an Exterior Painting Contractor

It’s fine if you’re not a painting expert yourself. That’s because you can always hire a seasoned exterior painting contractor for assistance. This type of person is a tried and tested professional who knows exactly how to paint surfaces correctly. An exterior painting contractor can paint straight lines too. Professional assistance can save you a lot of frustration and stress. Getting a professional on your side for an exterior painting project at home will help in many ways. First, trying to DIY it will not always create the result you really want to achieve. Many times, it will make things more frustrating for you and your family. Unless you are a professional, these sort of tasks can be hard to complete on your own.

Try out Painter’s Tape

You can steer clear of the annoyances of uneven lines by testing out painter’s tape. If you employ the combination of a pencil, a standard ruler, and tape for painters, you should be able to attain your coveted neat and flawless lines. Remember, it’s critical to wait for paint to thoroughly dry. That’s how your tape will stick to it in an effective way. Paint typically requires anywhere between six and eight hours to adequately dry. Although, if you wait too long, then when you take off the tape it will rip the new paint, you have to time it just right to be able to make it look really good. Ask a professional for tips on how they do this, if you intend to do the painting yourself.

Paint on Your Own

Distractions can often make painters susceptible to mistakes and flaws. If you want to maintain lines that are straight and faultless, then you should try taking on your exterior painting jobs all by yourself. Being free of distractions can be a significant boon. If you’re going solo, you won’t have to deal with surprises that may make the possibility of unsightly lines a lot more real. Try to schedule your painting time to take place bright and early in the morning. Painting can be fun as long as you have a good idea of what you are doing, otherwise things can become a lot more difficult. Proper planning is the key to any project like this.

Straight lines can make your exterior painting job look pretty amazing. Uneven ones, on the other hand, can make it look quite shabby and unwelcoming. If you want your exterior paint to look particularly immaculate and fresh, it may be wise to hire a professional for comprehensive assistance.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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