Safest Options To Go From Hair Loss To Recovery

Hair growth—as in the hair on your head—is a topic that often gets confused with the growth of facial hair or even body hair. Of course, Hair grows everywhere on the human body, but the most significant growth happens on the head, face, chest, upper arms, legs, armpits, and bikini area.

It is known that the growth of hair varies widely from person to person, depending on age and gender. This is why there is a wide range of different methods to try and regrow hair once it’s lost, ranging from topical treatments to transplants to surgeries.

The Loss

Hair loss is most commonly caused by harsh shampoos, dyes, hair sprays, and irritating products. Many products in the hair care sphere are formulated with chemicals and not-so-great ingredients that can cause bacteria and fungus. This, in the end, can result in hair loss and baldness.

However, product selection is not the only factor to consider. The hormone primarily responsible for hair fallout, called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), plays a role. A high level of DHT in a person’s scalp can undoubtedly contribute to hair loss. No matter the reason, there is one thing to keep in mind: the loss does not have to be permanent.

Preventing It

There are many options for hair recovery in the world today, ranging from simple, over-the-counter medication to more intense medical procedures. Some can be used in more preventative measures, while others can be used once the hair has already been lost.

One product that is often used to prevent hair loss is a drug called Minoxidil. Minoxidil reduces the levels of DHT in the scalp. It can be distributed over the counter for minor cases, but for a higher dosage, a medical professional can administer the Minoxidil directly to the scalp. Without proper administration, the dose can be too strong and damage the follicle, preventing new hair growth.

Other methods of preventing hair loss are using all-natural products and using saw palmetto. All-natural ingredients in products like shampoos and conditioners will help avoid the build-up of bacteria and fungus that often comes with using harsh chemicals. This, in turn, will help prevent hair loss and baldness. Similarly, saw palmetto can help prevent dandruff, which correlates directly with hair loss due to dryness.

Recovering It

If you’re too late to prevent the loss, fear not. There are plenty of options to help inspire new hair growth.

Exercise and healthy eating are said to have a direct effect on hair growth. However, whether or not increased blood flow to the scalp does increase the amount of hair is still debated. This is one reason why hair supplements are also discussed; these herbal pills often claim to stimulate the growth of hair by increasing blood flow into the scalp.

Aside from supplements, the most common method of hair recovery is often a topical ointment or gel applied directly to the hair or scalp. These are typically easily accessible and come with a low price tag, and they can be quite useful if used regularly.

If you’re looking for something a bit more aggressive and don’t necessarily have a low budget, you may want to seek a medical professional to see the options. Hair transplants, follicle surgeries, and even the use of a laser cap may work for you more quickly and more effectively.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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