Saturdays Are For The Boys: Manly things to do with your bros

So it’s Saturday night and you’re hanging out with your boys. You’re wondering what to do, but it’s hard to come up with ideas. After all, you want to do something manly when you have all your bros together. To help you have a great time this weekend, here are five things to try:


Hit the Bar

When you’re hanging out with your best bros, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. The hardest thing you have to do is look up bars open near me on your phone and pick the one that sounds the best to you. Hanging out with your buddies and knocking back some cold brewskies can really take the edge off. Plus, it’s about as manly as you get.

Of course, once you’re at the bar, you don’t have to just sit there. Try out some darts, pool, or other bar games if they’re available. If all else fails, play some classic bar games that don’t require anything other than a few glasses and quick wits.


Go Kart Racing

High octane and racing around a track to see who is best: what could be more fun on a Saturday night? Guys love to compete. And when it comes to your boys, you’ll love the chance to show them who is truly boss.

If you really want to go the extra mile (excuse the pun) you can place some reasonable bets on who you think will win each round. It keeps things exciting and places some extra stakes on the action.



Now, you certainly don’t want to pick up tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert, but a live music show is an awesome way to hang with your bros. Pick something more masculine like a rock and roll concert, rap, or country outing. This way, you can feel at home and not be embarrassed to tell people why you were waving your hands in the air to the music.

Get some extra value out of the show by showing up early and tailgating. Bring some hot dogs and beer and satisfy your taste buds so you’re not paying for $15 beers inside. Your wallets will thank you later.


Host a Party

If you and your buddies want to attract cute girls and be the life of the party, it helps to actually be the host of the party. If one of you has a pad that can host a good number of people, assign them the host for tonight.

You don’t need to do much. However, make sure the house is stocked with plenty of beverages. And for the love of all that is holy, clean the bathroom and anything else that looks like it’s been abandoned for 10 years.


Take a Road Trip

No one said a road trip had to be a week long. If all you have is the night, you can still make it happen. Pick a location that is within three hours from you and figure out how many cars you need.

Once you’ve got your destination and transportation arranged, bring plenty of great music and snacks along for the ride. Have a plan if you decide to stay at your destination for the night, such as camping. For the best results pick a place that you’ve never been to before and just go exploring.


Make Up Dares

You can really have some bonding time with your buddies through dares. It also creates hilarious outcomes that you’ll remember forever. For example, dare your friend to walk up to every girl and say something embarrassing about himself for the next two hours. It’s free and really fun. Teach your bros how to play What Are The Odds?

When it comes to hanging out with your dudes, you need to do something manly to avoid embarrassment and have the best time possible. Do one of the six things above and let the brotherly love flow.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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