Six Ways to Add Value to Your Home

When it comes time to sell your home, you need to begin looking at your living space with a more objective eye. Instead of improving your home for your own personal tastes and needs, you need to begin thinking about what would be appealing for a potential buyer, and how you can add value.

  1. Improve Your Curb Appeal

First impressions count when it comes down to home viewings, so your outside space will need to be the best it can be. Even if your home’s front garden or space is neat and tidy at the moment, there’s no harm in giving it a spruce up and adding some more features and colors to ensure that it makes more of an impact.

Add flowers and plants, and create a welcoming pathway, driveway, or maintained fence.

Simple features, such as a mailbox and a clearly displayed door number, will help your home to be found and recognized for viewings, too.

  1. Give Spare Rooms Purpose

Having spare rooms is great, and potential buyers will love the extra room. However, empty spare rooms with no purpose are not very marketable. Instead, consider turning that spare, empty room into a guest bedroom or a home office. This will make your home more salable, and buyers will more clearly be able to see what they can do with the room.

Be sure that it’s not simply a storage space for your own clutter!

  1. Convert Your Loft or Basement

Conversions will always add value, as they add a bedroom or an extra room to any home which can then be marketed with an extra bedroom. Loft conversions are popular, but if you have basement space that can be converted, that will work too.

You don’t have to use conversions for extra bedrooms if you need the space for another reason while you’re still living there, but as long as you give the converted room a purpose — like a home study or a home gym — this will look better.

  1. Add a Fireplace Upgrade to Your Living Space

The living room is the heart of the home, and you want to make this as appealing as possible. Fireplaces are attractive additions that can boost your living room’s potential, not only by adding a great feature but a feature that is going to be popular with buyers who will love having a fireplace for the winter months and for the holidays. You can browse options at fireplace shops in London.

  1. Update Your Windows and Doors

Updating your windows and doors is both about the aesthetic improvement and the security of your home. Windows and doors which look outdated and shabby can really let down the exterior of a home. Not only that, but they will not provide adequate heat retention, meaning higher bills (which new buyers will not like).

Make sure your windows are updated to double glazing in a design that fits with the rest of your home (such as period property or modern design). A new front door can be an attractive feature for your curb appeal, too, especially if it has a striking design.

  1. Extend Your Home

If you can’t convert, you can always extend — or maybe even both! With planning permission, you could extend your home for an extra room or make existing rooms bigger — especially the kitchen or living space — or you could extend using a sunroom or a conservatory. The latter may be extremely popular with buyers, as it adds more opportunity for time spent in and around the garden during the warmer months.

Amelie Lawrence

I am Amelie Lawrence, an experienced professional and informative Guest blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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