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Sizing Solutions: How to Buy Children’s Clothes That Actually Fit

Your son says he is ready to go, but you decide it’s best to double check. You take one look and grimace. It looks as if his sleeves have crawled up his arms and his pants have turned into some sort of strange capris. Children tend to grow like weeds—fast, in spurts, and always at the worst times. So what is a parent to do when trying to buy children’s clothes that actually fit? Here are a few suggestions:

Buy Clothes a Size or Two Bigger

Don’t fret about getting the size perfect, because they won’t be perfect for long! Buying shirts, jackets and pants a size or two bigger will allow your child to utilize clothes over a couple of seasons, rather than just one. One of the best ways to save is to simply buy less, and getting to hold off on buying new clothes for an extra season is a sure-fire way to spend less. It is easy to make clothes that are too big work for you, but clothes that are too small? Good luck!

Bring Your Child Shopping with You

You may want to bring your child shopping with you to find appropriate clothes in the correct size. It is not worth the money to buy items your child will not wear. Getting your child’s input and having them try the clothes on at the store will save you money in the long run since you can visually check how they fit. It will also help your child be happier with the clothing choices you make, since they will feel involved in the decision.

Shop Garage Sales or Consignment Stores

If you are thrifty, buy clothes from garage sales or consignment stores in sizes that are too big and put them in tubs to use for the future. You will save money and be able to eventually “shop” from your tubs. If you’re feeling crafty, you can alter these cheap clothes without the fear of ruining something expensive. This is also a great way to save money if you have more than one child. You will have to be organized and know what you have so you don’t buy too many of one item, but it’s well worth the time investment.

Shopping Online

Shopping online can be convenient, but also problematic when trying to find the correct size. This is another place that you will want to favor the larger size if you are wavering between purchasing one of two sizes. Make sure to check the sizing guide before making your purchase.

Use Size Charts

Most clothing manufacturers, like Southern Tots, use size charts to help choose a size based on age, height or weight. Be aware that similar sizes may vary from brand to brand. Once again, always buy one size up if you are unsure.


Children will grow quickly, but you can find solutions for buying children’s clothes that will actually fit. Whether you prefer shopping brick and mortar, consignment, or online, there will be a way to find clothes that will work for your child and your budget. Use size charts and when it doubt, buy one size up.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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