Small‌ Bedroom‌ – ‌How ‌to Arrange‌ Furniture‌ So That it is Cozy?

An interesting task: there is a small bedroom – how to arrange furniture in it? Conditions: you cannot clutter up the room, you need to place a bed, bedside tables or a chest of drawers in the room ,  and, preferably, also a wardrobe. The task is complicated by the layout: the shape of the room (narrow or square), the location of doors and windows, the presence of niches. Is it possible to handle all this without the help of a professional interior designer? Of course! If you know the main rules.

Today you will find the most complete guide to arranging furniture in a small bedroom: how to arrange elements, how to visually expand the space and a lot of interesting little things. Read to the end! In 5 minutes you will learn everything that the same interior designers know about and which they actively use in practice.

Bedroom harmony starts with the right wall color

In a small bedroom, you cannot use bright saturated colors or complex patterns. The best solution: moderate, pastel shades and simple ornamentation.

  • Vertical patterns will visually make the room higher, visually raise the ceilings.
  • Horizontal ornaments will work great in a small, narrow room.
  • The alternation of light and dark wallpaper will help to visually increase the area of ​​the room.
  • Wallpaper with a large pattern on one wall looks beautiful, which alternate with plain wallpaper without a pattern on the adjacent wall.

The shade of the floor should contrast slightly with the color of the furniture and be harmoniously combined with the decoration of the walls. For a small room, experts advise choosing parquet or laminate with a diagonal pattern – again, in order to visually expand the area.

The main ways of arranging furniture in the bedroom

There are three basic furniture layouts in interior design:

  • Symmetrical;
  • Asymmetric;
  • Circular.

We also need to choose one of these schemes in order to properly furnish the bedroom. You can arrange everything in your own way. But you’ve probably tried this before. Otherwise, they would not be looking for a way to make it more beautiful. Therefore, now in detail about each of them, in order to choose the most suitable one in the future and test it in practice.


When you square bedroom and the question arises, how  to arrange bedroom suite ,  ideal balanced circuit. Paired objects or furniture of the same size are installed opposite each other. For example: two bedside tables located on both sides of the bed are a symmetrical way of arranging furniture.

Psychologists say that the symmetrical scheme is ideal for perfectionists, people who are pedantic, inclined to organize order in all their affairs. Symmetry creates a cozy, calm atmosphere – it is difficult to think of something more suitable for organizing a quality holiday.


Have you got an irregularly shaped bedroom with niches like knightsbridge bench, indentations and complex layouts? Apply an asymmetrical arrangement of furniture. Its essence is to select a single focal point in the room, and arrange the rest of the objects around it. A bed can serve as such a point. It is installed as it is convenient for you, and the rest of the items are scattered in the corners and niches.

Designers recommend, when choosing an asymmetric arrangement of furniture, adhere to the principle of a swing, alternating high and low objects: a low   bed with a soft back  and a high wardrobe, a low pouf – a chest of drawers higher.


The universal method of arrangement is circular, suitable for rooms of any layout and area. Here, too, one focal point is needed, around which the rest of the objects are collected. But furniture doesn’t have to be that focal point – sometimes it’s just a carpet.

General recommendations for arranging furniture in a compact bedroom

Let’s first decide what kind of furniture in the bedroom is indispensable. It is with her that we will deal in attempts to correctly and conveniently distribute everything:

  • Soft bed;
  • Cupboard;
  • Chest of drawers, bedside tables;
  • Mirror.

If a large wardrobe is already in another room, then it is not necessary to put the same in the bedroom, you can get by with a chest of drawers for the most necessary things, for example, for storing linen. And if you order a bed with an  orthopedic base  and a lifting mechanism, with a linen niche under the base, you can also store non-seasonal clothing there, etc.

When the area of ​​the bedroom allows, it will be completed with a banquet, ottoman, dressing table.

When arranging all this furniture in the room, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • Even in the smallest bedroom, a passage of at least half a meter should remain between pieces of furniture, otherwise you will have to stumble over the foot of the bed, on the chest of drawers – not a very pleasant prospect, as for a room where, in fact, everyone should rest, and not count bruises on their legs.
  • It is generally advisable to leave a meter wide space in front of the chest of drawers, so that you can stand in front of it, and fully extend the drawers when necessary.
  • Before putting furniture into your bedroom and trying to figure out where to place it right away, measure the room, sketch it out on paper or in an online planner, and try to arrange the furniture first. Moving objects on paper is much easier than in reality.

Have a plan on paper and are you happy with it? Go to its embodiment!

We invite you to the catalog of bedroom sets   and soft beds, where you will find interesting and practical proposals for a bedroom room of any size and layout!

Thanks for reading to the end!

Emma Smith

I am Emma Smith, an experienced and professional blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you small ideas on understanding all the thoughts with different themes.

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