Stuck in a Quarantine Rut? How to Plan an Entertaining Night In

You are not alone if you are growing weary of the quarantine life. While it may have been a nice respite from the busyness of life in the beginning, it is understandable to be bored with having to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, you can break out of your rut by thinking outside of the box. Here are three ideas to help you to plan an entertaining night in and bust that quarantine boredom.


Make it a Game Night 


Board games are a great way to pass the time and stoke the competitive fires of your family. If you cannot choose one game, let your family members take turns choosing. You can make it more exciting by offering prizes to the winners. You do not have to limit yourself to board games. Now that the weather is warming up, you can head outside for a fun game of flashlight tag or kick the can. Make sure that everyone turns off all electronics before beginning. You can even still have game nights with your extended family or friends. Just use video calling on your phone or computer. This can be a great way for your kids to still see their friends’ faces without risking getting sick. 


Choose a Themed Menu 


Every night at home needs a good menu. Choosing a themed menu will help to guide your food and drink selections and make it more fun for everyone. For example, perhaps you can plan a Mexican fiesta night complete with a taco bar, margaritas, and festive music. If you have kids, you can even add a pinata to the mix of entertainment options. Or fire up the grill and plan a backyard picnic with yard games. Breakfast for dinner is also always a good theme. Make a pancake buffet, encourage everyone to put on their pajamas early, and cuddle up for a movie. This will keep things different even if your family and friend time always consists of having dinner together. Making it a themed night will give you more to look forward to. 


Plan a Special Drink Menu 


Liven things up at home with a special drink menu for your night. Many restaurants and bars are offering kits to take home so that you can mix up your own cocktails. There are also a variety of delivery or subscription services that will take the hassle out of having to mask up and head to the store. For example, a champagne club subscription allows you to sample premium bubbles from all over the world as they are delivered directly to your doorstep each month. What better way to make a night in one to remember than with a delicious bottle of champagne? If you’re planning on spending the night with having fun with your kids, find some recipes for non-alcoholic drinks to mix up. Turn regular punch into something special with some added fruit or herbs. 


Do not let quarantine get you down and put a damper on your social time. With a little creativity, you can elevate an ordinary night at home into something extra fun.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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