Teen’s Obsession with Social Messaging apps: What to Do?

The modern world with the facility of internet and along with the smartphone devices, enable users to grasp the whole world within their hands. People can communicate with their friends, family members, and others, from the corner of the world to the other corner of the world within no time. The modern technological creatures such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Tinder, Line, Vine, Viber and many others are the popular instant messengers for teens. Young kids and teens seem always busy all day long within these social platforms. Therefore, excessive use of social media tools often cause problems for young teens. There are following some serious issues or young kids and teens which they got through the intense use of social apps.

Cyber Bullying:

One of the biggest issues which modern world has brought through the use of social messaging apps for young kids and teens are cyber bullying. Youngsters who are even not eligible for digital media are using these platforms; resultantly online bullies chase young kids and teens and ultimately do bullying with them. Once youngster whether it is the young boy or girl gets depressed after bullying through the social apps and takes some steps which affect their life for a long time. That is the reason online bullying is very dangerous and common on all instant messaging applications.


Stalkers are the community who chase young teens on different social and dating platforms. They use initially polite language with young innocent teens in order to win their trust level. Once they win the trust of young teens then they try to meet with the teen in real life, one who got trap may get some serious consequences. Therefore it is dire need to educate the youngsters that how and what precautions the youngsters should need to adopt while using the social messaging apps.


There plenty of users who usually spread adult content on social media apps frequently, and there will be plenty of chances that young kids and teens take a look at these inappropriate videos and images. There are some social app platforms which don’t have privacy for carnal content. Therefore, there is a serious need to prevent kids and teen from inappropriate content. The smartphone is also the major factor of visiting porn websites when it connected to the internet. So, we have to make some serious privacy to stop the access on social platforms as well as on the digital devices.

Health Issues:

Young kids and teens that always seems busy using the smartphone devices and instant messengers they usually do activities such as texting, messaging, audio& video calling, sharing multimedia files and many others things. However, these activities brought health hazards such as depression, anxiety, bad behavior, eye infection, obesity and other serious psychological issues like less growth of cognitive skills. These kinds of health issues may create a major trauma in kind and teens life. Therefore, parents need to keep an eye on young kids and teens all day long. But the question is how they can look after young kids and activities 24/7? The modern technology has the solution to monitor the social media activities with the usage of monitoring software, there is following software which can helpful for parents to prevent their kids from all serious social media dangers.

Use Monitoring Software:

Either there is a number of mobile monitoring software has developed over the years, but TheOneSpy is the greatest creation of all time in the world of monitoring software. It allows users to spy on all activities perform on the target device along with the complete time stamp. Teens usually do texting, messaging, internet browsing, use trendy instant messengers and share videos and images. TOS empower use to track these stuff through its state of the art features such as Bug Their phone spy features, spy on messages, spy on calls, keystrokes, view multimedia files, IM’s social media, Track GPS location, internet browsing, and many others.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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