Things You Should Know About Knives

Obviously you are using knife in your day to day life. But you should know something about how to use that or how to choose and take care of this very essential tool. It will make your cooking experience easier.

So read down below to learn something new about using your knife.

Sharp Knife causes less cut:

If the knife is sharp then it needs less force to cut through that’s why you will cut yourself less. Blunt knife is scary and it needs lots of pressure to cut through anything which is risky and also you can’t complete the task properly with it. So use the right tool in right way. Always use the sharp knife to do things easily.

Learn proper cutting techniques:

If you want to cook properly at first you need to cut your food properly. And to get the best feedback from knives that you are using, you should learn proper cutting technique which might help you to become an expert in kitchen and you can make delicious dishes.

Choose the right knife that helps in your cooking:

The best knife for a person may not be the best knife for you. You should hold the knife and see it fits in your hand properly and you feel comfort or not before buying the knife.

And of course you need to choose the right knife for the task you are going to do. If you want to slice vegetables with bread knife then it is not the right way, you should use the chef’s knife. So you need to learn which knife is used for which purposes.

Don’t use your kitchen knife to cut other things instead the food:

You should never use your kitchen knives to use on other purpose. There is a general rule, if u could not bite it into your teeth then you should not touch it with your kitchen knives.

Never use steak knife for food preparation:     

You should not use steak knife to prepare your food. Use chef’s knife or paring knife instead of it. Try to have the chef knife sets to or total knife blocks to do things properly.

Serrated knife is not a saw:

Most of the item can be sliced easily with a single draw of any serrated knife. So you don’t need to use that in the way of using a saw.

Cutting board materials is important:

You have to use cutting board for cutting down the foods. But it matters which one you are using. Wooden or plastic cutting boards are better for you to use. These don’t cause harms to knives. But if you use harder boards like glass, stone, steel or metal cutting boards then it will destroy your knives. So use wooden or plastic cutting boards for getting good feedback from your knives.

Keep the cutting area clean:

Always try to clear the cutting board area where you cut your foods. Don’t place any other item on the board instead of the food you are going to cut.

Never toss knives in a sink:

If u put the sharp knife in a sink, there will be soapy water and your hand must be unsuspecting, so it will give nasty surprise at any moment. Always wash your knives after using, dry it and keep it in the knife case or drawer. This is also a good way to keep your knife sharp.

Never try to catch falling knife:

Don’t try to grab falling knife, it has no handle at the time of falling. Just let it go and watch your feet.

Don’t look for huge gift set:

If you want to buy a huge set of knife don’t go for it. Buy some good quality knife rather than buying the huge sets of mediocre knives. You can look for the most essential knives in kitchen.

Be safe:

Always try to maintain safety first. Before using the cutting board brace it with a kitchen towel for more stability.

Don’t use the blade for corralling:

Many people use the blade to corral the food form the side of the cutting board. Never do that. You should avoid using the blade of the knife to sweep things from the edge of the board because it will damage the sharpness of the blade.

I guess this tips help you to use your knife more efficiently than before. Happy cooking!!!!      

Hamza Hassan

My mission is to ‘make a positive difference in lives of people’. I love writing content and I hope I can use this passion to fulfill my mission.

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