Thinking About The Unthinkable: Make Your Emergency Plan

It’s important to have an emergency plan. Crisis and emergencies can happen at anytime and that’s why it’s vital to set up a family strategy. Below are good tips when creating an action plan for 2018.


1) Given the broad canvas of possibilities.


It is not really likely that any one list can provide for all situations, but the first thing that immediately came to mind, no matter what sort of problem arises, is that we want to know where all of our family members are. Where is everybody and how do we get them all together in a safe place? Since there is a growing body of evidence to support the thesis that cell phones are either going to be out of commission or deliberately shut down (in the case of civil disturbances), our primary method of touching base with everyone is therefore at risk of being a total no-show on day one. People need to start using something old fashioned like a message board or desk calendar to keep track of family movements and rehearse some of the ways in which each individual is expected to either make their way to the chosen gathering site or to wait in specific locations until one of the others comes to pick them up.


2) Watching the current crop of crisis unfold on the news reports


It also becomes clear that the transportation and electrical supply infrastructures are most likely going to be going out of order for some time. Not only does this magnify the need to gather the clan right away before it all heads south, but it also means that everyone is going to stay home — days, at least – and will have to do so without power, running water, or the ability to drive down to the store for anything you’ve forgotten. So make a list right now of what you will need to live comfortably and as normally as possible for, say, a week. Make sure that you are stocking items that are not dependent on the life support infrastructures that power our modern world. Canned goods and bottled water are the best to have around in most cases, and try to load up on things that can be eaten cold or with very little preparation.


3) We live in a world where we are absolutely bombarded with information from all sorts of outlets all the time.

It is very possible that ALL of these sources will be non-functional, at least for awhile. The one most likely to remain available is AM radio, which can be broadcast for hundreds of miles. You can probably pick up a channel that is outside of the disaster area and find out what’s going on– but only if you have an AM-capable radio that runs on batteries or some sort of alternative power like solar panels or hand cranking. This is why it’s important to have a list of emergency contact information, from fire and police to your local emergency implant dentist.


4) The possibility of being overrun by mutants or wolf packs is, of course, grossly overblown, but the police and fire departments are going to be quite busy.

You will have no way of contacting them anyhow. Give a little thought to defending yourself. Not a lot, but a little, and don’t forget to lay in a couple of home fire extinguishers. Lots of people are going to cook over things they don’t normally use, like candles or an open pit in the backyard. Open flames and no 9-1-1 can be a bad combination.


5) The last and perhaps most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to get acquainted with your neighbors now

So you can help each other out if it becomes necessary. That way, there won’t be any awkward “feeling out” of people you don’t already know or trust at a time when seconds may count.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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