Tips for Choosing the Right Glow-in-the-Dark Fishing Lures

Fishing can be lots of fun, but picking the right lure for the day can be quite overwhelming. There are a lot of options to choose from when fishing. However, very few people can afford to purchase just any glowing lure or even pack all of them. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best color, styles, and fit for your fishing needs.

Fish species

The first thing when buying glowing lures is to determine what you are actually fishing for. The more you understand the habits of the type of fish you want to catch, the easier it will be for you to match the lures you choose to guarantee success. When you know the species of fish that you are after, then you can narrow down your search for the best lures.

Light penetration and water clarity

The brighter the sky and the clearer the waters, the brighter the fishing lures should be. These colors include pumpkin pepper, white, black, and watermelon seed colors that are natural and brighter. For partly cloudy days, choose red flake, goby, watermelon, or smoke colors. For stained colors, you should fish using less natural colors like pink and chartreuse because they are bright enough to get the attention of fish.

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Water clarity

Water clarity is another factor that plays a crucial role in determining the shape of the glow in the dark lures that you choose. When the water is clearer, then you should opt for more natural colors. It is best that you always match the lures to the hatch. However, remember that fish that live in the clear water will feed more by sight when compared to fish living in murky water. Such fish are mainly attracted by vibration and sound.


Weather conditions will also play a crucial role when it comes to lure selection. Cold fronts usually need smaller and slower presentation to ensure that you lure fish with a much smaller profile. During cold fronts, the metabolism of fish tends to slow down and they will not be looking for a meal but can take a little snack. In stable weather conditions, you should use larger lures because big lures will help you catch big fish.

Lure size

Fingerlings will never behave as they should and will go for food that is bigger than what they can digest. However, this will vary from one fish species to another and each will have different food habits and preferences. Fish tend to be similar to people and they are usually attracted to larger portions. In most cases, fish will go after the largest bait or lure that they can eat with ease. Remember, most fish species know their food well and will try out shapes that look like it and stay away for anything that looks different.

By choosing a fishing lure that meets the above-mentioned conditions, you should be able to catch more fish. Whether you want to use glowing lures during the night or day, you will increase your chances of making a great catch. Have some fun on your fishing escapades by choosing the right lures.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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