Tips for managing urgent roof leaks on your own

Roof leaks are more common than you would think and the irritating part is that you are bound to notice the same only during a heavy downpour. The moment you notice it, call the professionals. But Given the weather, chances are that any professionals you call in to repair your roof are not going to turn up. And under these circumstances, you are much better off, reviewing this article, and handling it on your own – at least, until professional help finally arrives to handle the problem.

  • Minimize the damage: The moment you notice a leak, you are bound to call in a roofing company in Escondido, right away. While a roofer would usually turn up the moment you call them, they may not do so under adverse weather conditions. And that’s why you may want to check out the roof on your own immediately and self-assess the damage and see how bad it is. Next, you need to rearrange your furniture, shift valuable and cherished items out of the area, and even use tarpaulin covers, plastic to help protect the area from any immediate water damage. And if you notice any bulges in the ceiling, chances are that water has accumulated. So use covers on the floor, protect them before you poke any holes on the bulge to release the water.
  • Head to the attic: Granted it would be prudent to wait until the professionals from the roofing company arrive on the scene. But until they do, there are a few things that you can go ahead and handle on your own. For starters, you can investigate the attic or the crawl space on your own. When it comes to roof leaks, water does not necessarily travel straight and instead, it moves from the leak to the nearest joint in the attic. This usually indicates a weakness in the ceiling drywall which soon develops into a full-fledged leak. And that’s why you must take a close look at your attic as well as at all your crawl spaces.
  • Use bottle funnel and limit the damage: One of the ingenious solutions that you can utilize to limit the water damage from spreading any further in the attic and impacting the ceiling further is to use a bottle funnel. Just take a large bottle and cut it in half. And as you cut it in half, you should have a wide hole at one end and a very narrow one at the other. Now attach the wide one to the leak in the attic and attach a long hose to the other while running the other end of the hose out of the window. This is the bottle funnel solution and one that you can use right away, to limit any more water damage.

These are some of the quick fixes that you can try out right away. You can try these out while waiting for the professionals to get there. Just make sure that you turn the power off completely, before attempting any of the quick fixes listed here.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.