Tips For New Singers to Book Gigs

Breaking into the music industry as a new singer can be terrifying.  There are so many unknowns, from how people will react to you on stage, to how you book a gig without references- but the good news is that you’re not the first person to go through this.  Here’s how to get into singing and start to make a living from it.

Word of Mouth

When you’re starting, word of mouth is everything.  Tell friends and family that have heard you sing that you’re looking to perform at parties and gatherings.  Put together, buy, business cards, and include a link that leads to your website or social media page.

Great places to let people know you perform are at your family church, local gatherings, or even through your school and local nightlife.

Use Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are more valuable than ever to growing artists.  Although not every artist will break it big and reach a million followers, you can at least reach a few dozen a day, and that will grow over time.  Post videos and audio of you while singing and make sure to advertise yourself as looking for a gig.

If you have a website or profile to order your services through, put the link at the top of your Twitter and Instagram bio. Network with and talk to other singers, and ask for tips and connections if anyone has them.  The singing community is vast, and you’ll make friends and business contacts in no time if you put work into it.

Consider Agencies

No singer gets signed to a record agency sight unseen, but a talent booking agency can help move your career forward.  Using profiles that customers can search, many of these agencies offer a large variety of talent to make sure you’re the best fit for each other.

Many beginner singers use these services for at least their first few gigs because it’s a faster way to find clients.  Take the time you need to set up an excellent profile, putting forward your most professional foot, and then let yourself shine.

Constantly Update Your Information

The more gigs you perform, the better your resume looks.  If you haven’t played in front of anyone yet, post videos of you singing by yourself.  If you have booked a gig, have someone record you while you perform so that you can use that to show what you can do.

Although not every artist will break it big and reach a million followers, you can at least reach a few dozen a day, and that will grow over time.

Every time you book a gig, try to get a review from your customers and leave extra business cards with them so that they can pass them out to anyone needing a performer.  Don’t hound anyone for a review, but let them know that by reviewing your skills, they’re helping you become the best singer you can be.

Follow Through!

Keep up with all of your gigs, make sure to perform the best you can and don’t back out on any promises.  As a small singer, every move you make is vital to the survival of your career- make good choices that will let it grow.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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