Tips for Updating Your Home This Spring

Are you ready to make some much-needed updates to your home? This is an excellent policy to pursue for a number of reasons. You want to increase your quality of life to the level that you deserve as a homeowner. You will also naturally want to add a major amount to the resale value of your property. Here are some handy tips to consider.

1. Give Your Home a New Paint Job

One of the very best things that you can do for your home this spring will be to give it a new paint job. If you live in an area where spring fashion sets the tone, this gives you a wide range of choices. You’ll want to find a shade that will agree with the rest of the homes in your neighborhood. Spring pastel colors may well be a must.

If this is the case, you can easily find a variety of hues and shades that will give your home a fresh spring fashion look. The key will be to find the precise color that will match the character of your home as well as your unique creative vision. You will also need to make sure it adds to its appeal and raises its ultimate resale value.

2. Add Some Art to Your Walls

Are you getting tired of having to stare at the same old boring white walls? You may have had no choice while you were snowed in during the winter months. But now that the weather has changed, you can decorate your walls with some timely spring art. This will be a great way for you to welcome the new season with open arms.

3. Change the Filter in Your Furnace

One of the most important things you will need to do is change out the filter in your furnace. Now that the winter months are finally behind you, you can think about such matters as switching out your furnace filters. In fact, now is the best time to do so since you can easily get in to make the necessary upgrade. The cost will also be lower in spring.

4. Change Out Your Heavy Bedsheets

Now that the spring season is here, you won’t be needing your heavy winter bedsheets. All of those heavy blankets and sheets can be stored away until the next winter. In the meantime, it’s a very good idea to welcome the new spring season by switching to your light, fluffy pillowcases, sheets, and blankets.

5. Freshen Up Your Bathroom and Kitchen

Another area of your home that may need freshening up for the spring season will be your kitchen. This is the perfect time to change out your leaky or rusty sinks and faucets. Redo the out-of-date wallpaper or tear it off and give your kitchen a nice new paint job.

Meanwhile, you can also redo your bathroom. This is another area where a leaky tub or sink should be replaced. You can repaint the walls in a warm, sunny spring style. Why not add in some fresh new tiling while you’re at it?

It’s Time to Shape Up for Spring

There is so much that you can do to freshen up the look and feel of your home. Such an urge is more timely than ever since the spring season is now upon us. For this reason, you should be doing all in your power to upgrade your home. Doing so will add to the level of comfort it gives you. It can also guarantee a high level of ultimate profit.



Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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