Tips to Choose Online IAS Coaching

The popularity of online IAS coaching has been tremendously on the rise for quite some time because of various reasons. Nobody can deny that until now, the traditional way of the classroom sessions for providing IAS coaching used to be the norm. However, it gets highly inconvenient, and at times, even impossible for many of the IAS aspirants to go-ahead for the preparation of the IAS Exam. They simply do not have the time or the means to attend the regular classroom coaching sessions at a traditional classroom coaching institution.

Needless to say, the IAS aspirants who can’t make it to the classroom IAS coaching session feel greatly relieved when they find it feasible to prepare for the IAS Exam online. But, if you opt for an online IAS coaching institution, you should make the relevant considerations in order to be sure that you do not lag behind your competitors who have been preparing for the CSE in the regular IAS classroom coaching institutions.

Tips to Choose the Best Online IAS Coaching Institution:

Though the very idea of preparing for the IAS Exam without attending the regular classroom sessions might appear to be extremely heartening to all those who do not have the time to attend the regular classes, it’s advisable to consider all that is relevant before joining an online institution.

The tips given below would help you a great deal to find the best online IAS coaching institution:

1. Are the videos regularly updated?

The video coaching sessions available online should be updated regularly as and when required. Besides the content of the coaching sessions should be as per the syllabus for the Civil Services Exam as prescribed by UPSC. Moreover, the content should be highly competent.

2. Study Material:

The study material is a great help for all the candidates for any Exam, specifically the IAS aspirants who are keen on self-study irrespective of the fact whether they study offline or online. Besides, you have been thinking of preparing for the IAS Exam online rather than offline because of the paucity of time to attend the regular coaching classes.

So, it’s advisable that you opt for the online IAS coaching institution that offers flawlessly perfect study material. It will help your self-study to a great extent. However, take care that the study material should be thoroughly based on the UPSC syllabus for CSE. There is no scope for any diversion, however interesting a reading it might make.

You have to keep yourself reminded that you are preparing for the IAS Exam online as you do not have the time to attend classes offline. So, there is no point in spending time to read anything extra that has not been prescribed by the syllabus. Besides, the UPSC syllabus is already vast enough to the extent that you would have to be at the best of your time management skills to complete the same within time. Thus, opt for an online IAS coaching institution that offers a study material without any kind of diversions at all.

3. Test Series:

Apart from the study material, the test series made available online by the online coaching institution should also be highly competent. The entire series should be as per the UPSC syllabus requirements. Besides, in case there have been any changes produced in the Exam pattern, the test series should take care of that as well.

4. Query Solving:

Though you are studying online, the online IAS coaching institution should keep a provision for solving your queries. However, in case, you feel that getting the queries solved by e-mails or on phone is not sufficient for clearing all your doubts and queries, the online institution should keep a provision for allowing you to talk to the faculty in person for any kind of guidance required as pertaining to the preparation for the IAS Exam.

5. Co-relativity of the video sessions with the Current Affairs:

Apart from imparting a thoroughly updated knowledge of the Current Affairs, the video sessions must co-relate whatever topic/subject and/or Paper has been taught with the Current Affairs in a logically convincing perspective. It’s highly essential, nay, indispensable.

6. Faculty:

It will not be improper to say that the faculty teaching online needs to be more competent when they are compared with their counterparts teaching offline. The students receiving coaching in an offline classroom get various opportunities to approach the faculty for getting their queries solved and even seek any kind of guidance to simplify the complexities involved in the preparation for the IAS Exam.

However, that’s simply not the case if you are preparing for the Exam offline. Thus, the faculty needs to have more teaching experience and greater expertise than their counterparts coaching in offline classrooms. The faculty coaching online should be thoroughly well versed with the teaching strategies also so that lectures, as recorded in the videos, should help the students understand whatever has been coached with crystal clarity.

Well, these were the tips for you to help you choose the best online IAS coaching institution. However, the best tip is yet to follow. Any candidate who is keen on self-study, specifically an IAS aspirant must never forget that he is not attending a regular coaching session, but an online one. And so, he would have to request the online IAS coaching institution to keep a provision for him to talk to the faculty face to face, in case query solving on e-mail or phone fails to clear the concept. Thus, it’s best to make sure that the support provided by the team of the institution is good enough to allow you to talk to the query solving faculty in person if so required.

Besides, do not compromise on the quality of the study material and the test series that the online institution would provide you with. You will be required to read the study material more than once to be thoroughly prepared for the IAS Exam. And the same applies to the online test series also that you should make a practice of solving repeatedly.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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