Toilet Clogged? Here’s What You Need To Do

Ask any homeowner what problem they could without for an eternity, and you definitely hear the topic of clogged toilets come up in conversation. A backed up toilet could be a simple fix. Most of the time, however, the toilet clog opens up Pandora’s Box. Not only do you need to identify the source of the clog, you often have to remove it either by yourself or with the aid of a professional.

You might think removing a clog is easy, especially if you have a plunger nearby; but in some cases, the blockage can’t be removed by a plunger alone.

  1. Reasons The Toilet Clogged

While we can think of one reason that becomes the butt of toilet clog jokes more often than not, it is not always too much of one thing that backs up the toilet bow. Sometimes, other problems occur that cause the clog, such as:

  • Someone decided to flush something that shouldn’t be disposed of via toilet, such as feminine hygienic items, toys, tissues, or anything else that could get compacted in the pipeline;

  • You tried flushing some heavy down the toilet that wasn’t designed to be flushed that way, such as mud, food, whole items like soap bars, cat litter, and so on.

While these examples might seem far-fetched, you wouldn’t believe some of the things people have tried to flush away in the past…only to have to deal the object in a much worse way!

  1. What You Should Do About The Toilet Clog

Make sure you are prepared to examine the toilet and have the tools that can remove the clog. Since you are dealing with human waste, you will also want some protective gear, like a disposable mask, goggles, waterproof gloves, boots, and maybe even a poncho. Yes, it sounds a bit extreme, but keep in mind that the clog could contain other hazardous materials aside from waste. Caution needs to be observed.

Next, you should attempt to find the location of the clog. Sometimes, you can see what is causing the problem, which makes repair easy. Other times, you might need to reach in and manually find the congestion (this is why you need gloves). Manual inspection is useful if the clog was caused by toys, cellphones, toiletries, or other items that could have become partially trapped in the pipe. If you can pull it out and restore flow, then that is what you do.

If you can’t visibly and manually find the clog, you then pick up a plunger. The action of the plunger forces pressure inside the pipe to decrease, sometimes pulling the clog out of the drain. Most minor clogs are resolved this way.

Yet, in the event the plunger doesn’t work, you might need to procure a plumbing snake. Most snakes sold at home improvement stores aren’t meant to travel long distances, so you might have to call a plumber, since they have longer lengths and video inspection equipment available.

  1. What Not To Do About The Toilet Clog

Sometimes, you get desperate. It’s understandable. But that doesn’t mean you should reach for objects that are not designed for plumbing, like coat hangers to try and snag the item that has clogged the toilet. Not only could improper tools damage the toilet bowl, it could shorten the lifespan of the appliance or cause other problems to occur.

You should also never just repeatedly flush in the hope that the clog with dislodge itself. If you do, you might end up overflowing your bathroom and having to call in the professionals for a much dirtier job.

Lastly, you should never consider removing the entire toilet as the last resort. Always consider calling a plumber before you decide to uninstall the toilet to reach the clog. After all, the clog could be entirely out of your reach!

In short, a toilet clogged is a toilet in need of immediate repair. Remember the tips in this article to help you with unclogging your toilet. The important thing is to remain calm and work methodically. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to call your local plumber.

Daisy Andrew

I am Daisy Andrew, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. I adore writing blog on many topics, like Home Improvement, Pet, Food, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle etc.

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