Top 7 Fun Storage Hacks for Kids Bedrooms

Organising your kids’ bedroom can be a massive task, especially when they have more toys then you can manage or when siblings are sharing a room. Arranging your kids’ bedroom can be made much easier however with some sort of storage system or self storage units. Below, I have outlined the top ten most fun, ingenious hacks that will make a real difference to your child’s room, and your sanity!


1. Organised Lego Storage

If you have boys, well, if you have kids really, you most likely have Lego! And as fun as it is for your kids, it’s almost as equally annoying to store away for parents. Keep Lego organised and sorted by colour, by storing in a plastic tub drawer unit. This helps keep bits from going missing, helps your little one know where each colour is and stops you from accidently stepping on Lego pieces when you least expect it!
A two-in-one DIY trick for helping keep both your Lego and pencils organised is to build a Lego desk tidy.


2. Stuffed Animal Swing

Stuffed animals – your kids love them, but after just a moment of your child rummaging around finding the one they want to take to bed that night, they’ve gone from an organised stash, to a jumbled mess! This is where the Stuffed Animal swing comes in handy! Easily put together with some hobby wood, a clothes line and some hooks, it’s a neat and tidy way to display teddy’s, while allowing your little one to select the one they want without disturbing the rest.


3. Under the bed

If you have some space underneath your child’s bed than storing clothes under there is essential to make the most the space you have. If you have the room, adding swivel wheels to the drawers makes life so much easier and also means your little one can easily pull them out and choose they outfit that day.


4. DIY Book Shelves

rather then a book box, why not display your child’s books on accessible, yet subtle DIY book shelves. These can be make by wooden wall mounted spice racks or even cut and sanded guttering!


5. Door Shoe Rack

Aside the obvious shoe storage why not store away your child’s Barbies or even make your own DIY version and store PlayStation games.


6. Cube Storage

Cube storage is everywhere, but for good reason! Toy storage, shoe storage, clothes storage; it keeps everything organised and accessible. Why not label each box, so that you know where everything is at the drop of a hat.


7. Self Storage

After all the storage hacks, reorganising and labelling is done; you still might find your home is still overrun with full cupboards and clutter. It may be time to consider self-storage. There are cheap self-storage options available so that you can de-clutter and de-stress without too much expense. Perhaps you have lots of camping gear, but you’re not quite ready to embark on the family camping holidays just yet, or you have lot of paperwork from being a work-from-home parent, cheap storage solutions are easy and safe.

Using some of these great hacks will save you some space for the kids to play, and might just encourage them to tidy up a bit too!

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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