What Kind of Legal Expertise Will You Need if You Were in a Car Accident?

Although you cannot prevent a car accident from happening, you can choose the type of professional to handle your case. There are different types of lawyers who you may or may not be familiar with. So, pursue the right type of legal expertise after getting into a car accident.

Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer specializes in handling injury cases that affect a person’s body and mind, including car accidents. Most injuries are caused by the reckless negligence of another person and can be sued in court. This lawyer helps you to recover damages related to your bodily injury to pay hospital bills, physical therapy and, in some cases, pain and suffering. Getting a personal injury lawyer to work with will really make a big difference in the short term and in the long run. Having a professional by your side will not only make you feel more comfortable, but you will also have a better outcome for your case than if you tried to represent yourself.

Insurance Claim Lawyer

This lawyer specializes in resolving problems that affect your car insurance claim. Most drivers have to file claims to be reimbursed for car repairs or replacements. A claim may be denied when you fill out the form incorrectly by providing false or omitted information. A lawyer determines the exact problem, helps you to correct it, and assists you in completing other forms that you might need to fill out. An insurance claim lawyer has the tools, expertise, and experience you will need on your side during your court case.

Accident Lawyer

Tens of thousands of people are killed in drunk driving accidents in the U.S. In some states, the number of deaths exceeds 30% of all accidents. A drunk driving accident lawyer specializes in accidents that are caused by negligence and entirely preventable. He or she knows how to seek the right type of compensation in court and make an emotional appeal to the jury and judge. Every drunk driving case is preventable, so the lawyer often uses emotions to gain sympathy from the court. In general, an accident lawyer has handled a wide range of cases, such as drunk driving, truck wrecks and pileups. Look for a specialist who is experienced in handling your specific type of accident.

Criminal Defense Attorney

A criminal defense attorney is not needed by everyone and only recommended to negligent drivers. The clients have been involved in hit-and-run accidents or drunk driving crashes that caused serious injury or death. As suspects, they have not been convicted yet and need to be informed of their rights by a lawyer. A criminal defense attorney will be able to help you learn more about your case and the law(s) that pertain to it. Having a legal professional on your team is always a plus when dealing with legal issues.

A car accident case is not a simple matter that can be handled on your own. You need a qualified lawyer to reduce the odds and improve the chances of you winning a case. Learn the specific kinds of legal providers to call after you get into a car accident.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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