Why It Is Important to do a Blood Test

When your health is at risk, you have to do the necessary steps to be aware of what is happening in your body. For those who struggle to get insurance, getting the testing you need can be a challenge. However, you can still monitor your health even if you can’t get to the doctor as often as you’d like.

Monitoring Your Health On Your Own

The daily activities of living, such as eating and using the bathroom, are a good place to start monitoring your health. If you notice that your urine is very dark, there may be a problem with your liver. You’ll need to see your doctor, but if their lab fees are high, you don’t have to skip the lab work. Instead, you may want to order lab tests online. Your physician will need to give you an order for these tests. Your results will go directly to them. It may take a bit longer than running tests in your doctor’s office, but the savings can be significant.

Putting Your Knowledge to Work

Once you get your results back from your physician, it’s time to get to work. For example, if your kidneys are behaving badly, you may need to

  • monitor your blood pressure closely
  • get on a water-drinking schedule
  • stop smoking
  • start some gentle exercise, and
  • lose weight

Each set of data from a blood test gives you the data that you need to start making small, healthy changes and choices. These changes and choices don’t have to be difficult or unpleasant. In addition to taking good care of your kidneys, your liver needs protection. Even if your liver is healthy, there are changes you can make right now to protect it, and you’re probably already doing some of them. If you drink coffee, you’re protecting your liver. Tea also promotes liver health. When it’s time to choose your foods, be sure to include

  • grapefruit and berries
  • salmon
  • broccoli and brussel sprouts

When It’s Time to Schedule Regular Blood Tests

If you have a chronic illness, such as diabetes or hepatitis C, your blood testing regimen will need to get more specific. However, you can keep costs low by sending your blood samples out for online testing if your local lab fees are high. Talk with your doctor about placing a standing order for these tests on a regular basis. This will save you a copay at each visit and the results will still go to them. If there are changes, you will be notified and can make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss changes in treatment. It’s crucial that you start any necessary treatments early. For example, if you have type 2 diabetes, early treatment of dietary and exercise changes can keep you from becoming insulin dependent. You may even be able to manage the condition without medication if you catch it early and are diligent in your self-care. Those with hepatitis C can also benefit from early treatment. Your liver works hard to detox your body. It’s an important part of your digestive system. If you are exposed to hepatitis C, catching it early and getting treated with antivirals, you may actually be cured of the disease. Work with your physician to get your test results ordered and returned quickly so you can get going on the best course of treatment for you.

Medical care isn’t cheap. There’s a lot of expertise and science going into keeping you healthy. However, it doesn’t have to be destructively expensive either. By staying on top of fees, such as lab costs, you can get proper treatment without going broke.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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