Why Would You Love to Pet a Cobalt Blue Tarantula?

The cobalt blue tarantula is one of those old-world charms that are specially meant for advanced owners.

This originates from Asia and is native to Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The eye-catching and beautiful electric blue color makes this one of the grandest tarantulas in the world.

However, this tarantula’s temperament and character make it quite dangerous, which is why it is suggested for experienced arachnid owners. These are trendy pets all around the world.

Facts and Characteristics

When it comes to behavior, this cobalt blue tarantula is one of the most exclusive species. It is known for its moody and aggressive behavior. When touched, it will quickly take on the defensive stance. It will stick its fangs out and strike the attacker immediately.

Tarantula doesn’t like to be bothered. Touching and moving it usually stresses the tarantula out and makes it more aggressive. It is best to just observe its magnificence without disturbing it.

This species is also flexible and fast apart from being aggressive. This, therefore, does not just catch the prey easily but also escapes quickly if you are not cautious. For this reason, this tarantula needs experienced caregivers to be handled correctly.   

Size and Lifespan 

Cobalt blue tarantula is a medium-sized (5-6 inches) and very temperamental yet quick organism. The length of the body is between 5.3-8.5 cms for the females. The males are just half their size.

1 cm is the size of the little spiderling, which develops into 1 inch in the first year itself.

The males can mature in the first year, and so they are extremely fast-growing. Females outlive the males in this species. While the males have a lifespan of 5-8 years, the females can thrive for 20 years.

Vivid Coloring 

The beautiful iridescent shade is the unique thing about this cobalt blue tarantula. After all, a bright blue tarantula is something that you won’t come across easily. The legs are usually iridescent blue with a brown or slightly grey body.

The females are usually bluer than the males. That is why if you want a cobalt blue tarantula for that reason, go for a female one.

 How to Care for the Cobalt Blue Tarantula 

The best way to care for the blue tarantula is to replicate the natural ambiance. This will make them less stressed and feel more at home in their natural habitat. The tropical rainforests of SouthEast Asia are their ideal habitats, and they love to stay deep in the burrows on the ground.

The cobalt blue tarantula loves to stay on the ground in the burrows. It needs lots of water and prefers slightly warmer temperatures. It can be a bit tricky to deal with the excessive webbing of the spider. But it is still navigational.

All in all, the cobalt blue tarantulas are extraordinarily beautiful creatures, and their temperamental nature further triggers the adrenaline rush. They make a lovable pet worldwide and are coveted by millions despite the challenges involved in building their habitats or petting them.

Cobalt Blue is known to be perhaps the most special tarantulas with regards to its conduct. It is predominantly known for it’s forceful and cranky conduct. At the point when contacted, it will rapidly take on its protective position, staying its teeth out and holding back to strike the assailant. Like most tarantulas, they don’t care to be pestered by any means. Contacting and moving them will just worry them and make them more forceful. It’s ideal to let them be and simply notice their heavenliness.

Aside from being exceptionally forceful, they are additionally known to be quick and adaptable. Their speed enables them to get their prey rapidly, nonetheless, it likewise implies they are probably going to get away on the off chance that they’re not appropriately dealt with. For every one of these reasons, they require some insight to be taken care of in the best way, with no inconveniences.

Sanath Pollemore

An Avid Music Lover, Sanath Mostly Busy in Listening Music and Upgrade His Collection.

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