Why Your Roof Shingles Look Inconsistent and How to Fix It

The uniformity of a good roof is a sight to behold. That’s why it can be so distracting when one or more of your shingles has an inconsistent appearance compared to the surrounding shingles. The good news is that inconsistency in shingles is typically caused by a simple issue. The issue causing the appearance can vary, but is often easy to solve and repair. No matter what the cause is, though, it’s important to have it repaired quickly so that your home isn’t exposed to the elements. Here are a few forms of shingle damage and what causes them.


If you notice that some of your shingles seem to be curling away from your roof, you may think this is simply caused by too much heat from the sun. However, the extra heat actually comes from your attic. If your attic isn’t properly ventilated, it will trap so much heat that the shingles can’t regulate their temperature, leading to curling. To help prevent this issue, make sure that your attic vents aren’t clogged so that air can circulate and keep your shingles cool. Remove any curling shingles from your roof and have them replaced with missing ones. Depending on how many are curled, this should not be a lengthy or expensive process.


Staining can happen on any type of roof, but is usually most noticeable on a roof covered in asphalt shingles. These dark spots covering your roof are typically not harmful, in and of themselves, but they could be indicative of some changes that need to be made. Most often staining on shingles is caused by excess moisture. For example, you may need to cut back some low-hanging branches that are near your home. When these branches lay on your roof, they can trap moisture that can lead to mold and mildew growth.


If you notice some missing shingles, then a full roof replacement could be in your future. The fact is, it can be difficult to determine how extensive the damage is, especially if the missing shingles were removed by a storm. Plus, if the shingles have been missing for a while, there could already be damage to the plywood sheathing underneath, meaning that your roof needs a professional inspection before it’s given the all-clear.


As the sun sets, you may notice shadowy areas on your roof. In many cases, these areas are caused by dips in your roof that bend the shingles enough to reflect light differently. Unfortunately, these dips could indicate that there’s a problem with the plywood sheathing that supports your shingles. To check for problems, you will need to enter your attic and check for water damage on your plywood sheathing.

From the ground, a roof inconsistency may not look that serious. However, roofs can hide many problems that can quickly cause serious issues with your home. Therefore, if you suspect a problem, it’s best to have your roof inspected so that any damage can be repaired before it’s too late. Talk to a local roofing contractor for more help and information.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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