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Your Guide to a Seamless House Move

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Here are my tips for a nice and easy house move – guaranteed!

Book a professional removals company

I can’t stress how important it is to contact a good local moving company for the job of transporting your things by man and van. For a start they are very affordable contrary to what you might thing but also, they are very knowledgeable about the whole removals business and can give you some really invaluable advice.


Prepare a moving checklist

An essential part of seamless house removals in Pimlico is to be completely sure of what you need to do ahead of your moving date. It’s not just about the things you have to pack and take with you but also things like your electricity and water services, internet provider and anything else you might have to sort out before you leave. It’s always better to have things written down.

Rid yourself of unwanted items

When you are moving house you have a great opportunity to go through all your things and rationalize your belongings. Sort through your home room by room and really be ruthless about the stuff you‘ve accumulated that doesn’t serve any purpose beyond gathering dust. We build up way too many emotional attachments to things that take up unnecessary room in our homes and moving house is the perfect opportunity to deal with this. Then your new home will start in a completely clutter-free state which makes an enormous difference for the first few weeks after moving house.

Hold a sale in your garage

Heard the expression ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’? Well, no matter how hideous you think that vase your auntie bought is, there is bound to be someone who will pay good money for it! Put everything you consider saleable on display at a time you have advertised among neighbours and perhaps on Facebook and you’ll be surprised at the turnout! You’ll also be pleasantly surprised to receive a contribution to your removals expenses!

Ask the professional house movers about packing

Professional removals companies offer comprehensive services including packing. They have all the materials and supplies you could need for the job and are usually available for purchase ahead of your moving date. It makes sense for the man and van team to load their vehicle as efficiently as possible to maximize save and save you money after all! They can only do this if everything is packed sensibly.

Don’t forget to label your belongings by room

I did this once and completely messed up my house move leaving me completely miserable! I remember being surrounded by boxes I recognised but couldn’t actually recall what was inside. I had to open them all because not only were they not labelled I had things for the bathroom and kitchen in the same box as my lounge curtains and cushions. That bad organization meant it took me longer to be able to sit down at the end of the day, not to mention the additional stress!

Anything for storage?

Another service most moving companies will offer is storage. You may or may not need that kind of facility but it’s worth knowing when you call your house movers for a quote. They can give you a great deal for using more than one of their removals services and so it’s always worth asking if you have a need for them.

Give accurate information when getting your removal quote

Once you’ve completed the above points you will be in the perfect position to call your local professional removals company and ask for a quote. You’ll be able to give a completely accurate idea of what you need doing which means they know what size removal van to send for the job and that can save time and money. Too many people are vague when they book removals services and it only serves to be expensive in my opinion.

Follow these points and I guarantee you a seamless house move.


Heather Roberts is a freelance guest blogger from London, UK. She has got many published articles on various topics such as cleaning, organizing, home and garden etc.