5 Amazingly Romantic Beaches From Around The World

It seems so easy to find a romantic beach for your vacation or honeymoon. However, it’s not that easy, because there is a huge selection of lovely romantic beaches.

We’re going to narrow down your choice with five the most attractive beaches in the world. They are waiting for your visit!

Polignano A Mare, Italy

Planning your romantic vacation in Europe, pay attention to Polignano A Mare town in Italy.

Even though Italy one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, this town is small and not crowded. Plan an enjoyable romantic trip to the Adriatic seaside during your vacation around Italy.

It is your chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of the major cities, such as Rome and Milan.

The beach is located in a small bay, which can give you the feeling of solitude. This romantic beach together with Medieval architecture will give a lot of enjoyment.

AlifDhaal Atoll, Maldives

The Maldives Islands have proven themselves as a top tourist destination in the world. And they are known for several romantic beaches in the Indian Ocean.

Tourists go to the Maldives looking for blue transparent water and reef attractions. But then they find covered over-water bungalows in the AlifDhaal Atoll and usually stay there longer than expected.

Tourists cover the distance of thousands of kilometers in order can stay in the romantic bungalows, surrounded by water. It’s your chance to get an understanding of the Paradise on the Earth.

Ko Phi PhiLeh Island, Thailand

Thailand is known as a top beach destination in the world. It has a long seacoast, which is full of stunning sandy beaches. However, most couples choose the Ko Phi PhiLeh Island for their vacation.

With sharp cliff rocks and surprisingly transparent water, this island deserved its fame among buffs of diving, climbing and simply among romantic couples.

This is the place, where several movies were filmed, including “The Beach” with Leonardo DiCaprio. That’s why the Phi Phiisland attracts fans of Hollywood movies all over the world. If also want to step on the same beach with the Hollywood celebrities, welcome to the Phi Phi Island.

Marieta Island Beaches, Mexico

Have you ever heard about the “Beach of Love” (or “Playa del Amor”), located on the Marieta Islands in Mexico?

It is one of the hidden places in the country, which is perfectly seen from a helicopter. It’s a hole in the rock with an attractive beach inside.

Even though the beach looks unbelievably beautiful, you should know its history. The hole in the rock is the result of the bomb testing by the Mexican government during the World War I.

However, most tourists don’t care about the history. They enjoy the Beach of Love, which has secluded location.

Punaluu Black Sand Beach, Hawaii, USA

It’s difficult to find a person, who doesn’t want to visit Hawaii. Looking for a romantic destination, pay attention to the Punaluu Black Sand Beach, located on the different island from the capital of Hawaii.

Black sand of the Punaluu Beach is the result of the volcano’s activity. This peculiarity attracts active couples, who are the most common visitors to the beach. No wonder, because the beach is located right next to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

If you also like turtles, it’s the right place for you to visit. You will see them basking on the beach, but it is forbidden to touch them. As well as it’s not allowed to take any black sand from the Punaluu Beach.

We are sure, you can spend a great beach vacation on one of these five romantic beaches. However, if you are interested in one of the beaches, you should make deeper research about this place.

If you are looking to enjoy and make your honeymoon, here are some of the best honeymoon destinations from around the world.

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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