Visiting the Important Buddhist Popular Destinations

India is a beautiful country that boasts of having diverse culture, religion and practices. There are numerous interesting places to visit throughout the country and plenty of things to learn. Doing a thorough research on the web and discussing with the reputed and leading tour and travel operator can help the aspiring tourist to know the different travel options.

Buddhism as a religion

It is regarded to be one of the most popularly practiced religions in the world. Its sole objective is to help people learn the authentic essence of Dharma. Buddhism is rather a spiritual doctrine and rational philosophy, inspiring people to follow Karma’s law.

Its significance

India is considered to be the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It is from this country that Buddhism has spread to the various parts of the world. Although, this religion is not practiced much in this country, unlike that of China, Japan and its other Asian counterparts, there are indeed various important Buddhist destinations that are worth the visit. The government has been doing its best to renovate the old and ancient institutions, so that tourists can get to view and experience the religion in its original form.

Popular destinations

The Buddhist tour across the country takes the tourist to some of the sanctified lands of Bodh Gaya, Lumbini, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Sravasti, Ellora and Ajanta Caves, etc. Ajanta Ellora tour when availed from a well-known travel operator can help the tourist to enjoy learning a lot about the religion and its practices.

  • Lumbini: It is at this place, located in Nepal that Lord Buddha is known to have been born, destined to be a great person as he grows with age.
  • Bodh Gaya: Prince Buddha when aged 29 had left the worldly pleasures, seeking refuge at this place for attaining nirvana (Enlighten) for getting answers to the different mundane world problems.
  • Bodhi Tree: It is under this tree that Buddha had meditated vigorously and accomplished finally self-edification towards developing the Dharma philosophy.
  • Sarnath: On attaining self-consciousness Dharma apostle, he had come to this place and had given his very first preaching to his devotees.
  • Sravasti: It is the sacred terrain that had witnessed the first miracle performed by Lord Buddha. It was also stated to be his favourite retreat during the rainy season. It is here that he preached the principles of living pure life for attaining salvation.
  • Kushinagar: It is the blessed place where the great lord had taken his maha Samadhi. The shrine built here offers his long-lasting memories. The lord’s mortal remains have been conserved in 8 folds, which were distributed by Emperor Ashoka later.
  • Ajanta: The Ajanta Ellora tour then takes the tourist to the retreat centres, favourite of the Buddhist monks. There are about 29 caves which depicts the Lord’s life.
  • Ellora: It was during the start of the 19th century that these caves had been discovered. The rock carvings are said to exhibit fusion of the three religions, namely, Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism.

Visiting the above places is sure to help the Buddhist followers to find peace of mind and learn something new.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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