Ways to Decrease the Likelihood of Home Problems

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There are many home problems you can face in a new or old house. Ranging from health issues to safety issues to high energy costs, there are so many issues to worry about. The good news is that you can decrease the likelihood of common home problems. How can you do this?

Adhere to Maintenance Schedules

You know that your air conditioner filters need to be changed every three months. If you do not do this the quality of air in your home will be affected. By simply adhering to the maintenance schedule you can avoid major problems like the AC unit malfunctioning or stopping all together.

There are many other things that need frequent maintenance in the home. Look at the manuals of everything in the house and adhere to the advised maintenance schedule. Maintenance is the easiest way to prevent problems. Do whatever maintenance you can do on your own but if something calls for professional help do get it because trying DIY may end up causing more harm than good.

Frequent Inspection

House inspection is a very important step in the buying or selling of a home. It helps the new owner understand how the house is structurally, functionally and how safe it is. Home inspections should not stop at this. As a homeowner you need to carry out frequent inspections and check for any issues. Go around the house checking every part and take note of anything that needs repairs or replacement.

Home inspection will help you arrest small problems before they become too big and costly to rectify. For instance, checking if the backflow parts of your plumbing system are working can save you from a disease outbreak. You will know if the water your family is drinking is safe or not. If you find that the backflow tester is not working you need to visit a store and find the spares you need. Another example is checking the gutters. By checking them before a storm you can prevent damage that storms may cause on blocked gutters like breaking them or eroding the soil near the roof.

Pay Attention to Small Problems

Your home will give you signs of any problem before it becomes an issue. For instance, a broken door hinge is the first sign and if left unattended the door will soon fall off. Be keen on everything in the house and take action immediately when you notice an issue. Do not wait till a ceiling board caves in before repairing a leaking roof. Similarly, ensure that your boiler has enough water so it does not dry up and become a safety hazard. You can easily notice some problems begin if you notice odd smells as well. This can signify a plumbing issue in your home.

Adjust According to the Season

While summer may be the perfect time to mow and water your lawn, winter needs you to have a working snow blower. Fall will require you to clean out the gutters more often as you await winter while spring calls for proper cleanup. You need to know the seasonal home maintenance schedule to follow in order to keep the home safe all year round. Do not do summer maintenance activities during winter and vice versa.

Above all, always be prepared for the changes in seasons. Check your heating system a month before winter starts and ensure it is working properly. Look at the home’s insulation, doors and windows to ensure they function properly and will not be letting the cold air in. Also ensure your air conditioning is in perfect condition before summer. Buy a rake in preparation for fall and so on.

Have Safety Precautions in Place

Some health issues that arise in the home can be easily avoided. Having grab bars in bathtubs and showers can prevent falls and so can good lighting in all parts of the home. Prohibiting smoking in the house will reduce the risk of fires and having smoke sensors will allow fast action to be taken in case of a fire. Fences around swimming pools will help prevent drowning while keeping medicines and other chemicals from children will prevent poisoning. In everything you do in the house, think of safety first.


As a homeowner you need to ensure the house is safe for all its occupants. In order to do this you need to avoid problems. Be on the lookout for small issues and repair before they become too big, carry out frequent maintenance and put up safety measures. These are the ways to decrease the likelihood of home problems.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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