What is Cannabidiol – Also Known as CBD?

If you’re looking to learn more about cannabidiol (or CBD) then you’ve come to the right place. There’s a lot of misinformation about cannabidiol out there, so keep on reading to learn the facts including what CBD is, if it is legal, and so much more.

What is CBD?

Cannabidol, also known as CBD, is a natural substance that is slowly entering the mainstream for several reasons. It’s a form of food supplement that is still getting researched. The initial results are promising, but there has still been a lot of doubt, confusion, and misinformation about CBD. Today we’ll be clearing up those misconceptions and looking at what CBD really is.

It’s slowly becoming a more accepted form of relaxation, and it is steadily becoming more and more popular. Given that the use of CBD is still relatively new, there’s a lot of gaps in the knowledge people have about it. While CBD Central can say with certainty that it the use of CBD is safe and legal, the exact nature of its benefits are up for debate and will require further research.

The Benefits of CBD

Several people have reported using CBD to induce a state of calm and relaxation. As a chemical substance, CBD has potent antioxidant properties. This is something that has mostly ignored by the larger industry. Given that everyone is different, and because the effects of CBD are still being studied, it is worth doing a bit of research on your own before adopting CBD.

Where Does CBD Come From?

CBD is extracted and separated from cannabis plants, also known as hemp. CBD is one of the 85 chemical substances grouped together as cannabinoids; which are found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the second-most abundant chemical found in hemp; accounting for around 40% of its extracts.

That CBD comes from hemp is where the problems begin. As you may know, the most abundant chemical compound in cannabis is THC; the substance in weed that produces the “high”.

CBD is completely isolated and separate from THC and it can’t get you “high”. Even so, there’s a lot of stigma surrounding it that cause people to get the two confused. These fears, while they may be unfounded, can be understood to a degree; especially given the confusing terminology around CBD.

With that said, one simply cannot get high by ingesting or smoking hemp rich in CBD with only trace amounts of THC. It’s also impossible to get high from pure CBD products with almost no THC in them.

CBD is extracted as an oil and is usually mixed into hemp oil extracts with varying concentrations.

Is Cannabidiol Legal?

Cannabidiol is completely legal around the world (and a controlled substance in Canada). As mentioned above, there’s plenty of misinformation around CBD. This is because its chemical makeup is so poorly understood and because it is closely related to THC.

Until the 1980s, scientists were under the impression CBD was a natural precursor to THC formation and – given that THC was a controlled substance – it should be just as heavily regulated. However, keep in mind CBD is completely unrelated to the chemicals that create THC. They have some similar characteristics, but they are created through different means. Again, CBD is – unlike THC – considered to be a legal cannabinoid that can be safely consumed at any amount or concentration.

What Makes CBD Different

There are an endless array of supplements on the market today. Even so, despite the relative newness of CBD, it stands out as a way to naturally calm and soothe. Scientists are also open to the possibility that CBD could be used for more things down the line.

CBD products are slowly becoming a relaxing addition to the daily lives of many people. However, given that everyone has their own individual needs, everyone should do a little research into CBD to see if it is right for them. Just keep in mind that it is entirely legal and considered safe. It’s just not some kind of miracle cure that can fix anything. But if you’re looking to enjoy the relaxing effects of cannabis without the associated highs or legal problems, then it could be just what you need.

Ajeet Singh

I have extensive experience in community management, social media consultancy, child safety, and crisis management.

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